Fate is so cruel.

With my head held down. I began to walk trying to figure everything out.

Shortly after I started, I crashed into something or should I say someone making me fall flat on my butt with a thud.

I rose my head to see my attacker (kinda).

He had beautiful chocolate brown hair and dazzling brown eyes. He was also well built.

He was also wearing a pair of jeans, a tank-top and a jacket thrown over it.


“e-excuse me” my butt really hurt as lifted myself up.

“lemme help you” Mr. Attacker stretched out.

How thoughtful. I stretched my hand out but little did I know, that was a big mistake.

He held my hand with an iron grip making me whimper.

Then he dragged me roughly and slammed me to the wall.

Pain shot through me back. Instantly, I began to tremble.

He held my wrist on either side of me, caging me underneath him.

“you’ve got a lot of nerves” Mr. Attacker chuckled, showing off his pearly white fangs.

He’s a vampire??!! How did I miss that??!!

I messed up in so many ways! Bumping into him, looking at his face! That’s one of the worse things I could do.

My heartrate picked up and my legs won’t stop trembling.

“your skin looks so nice” he licked his lips with his long tongue. I felt his fingers gently graze my cheeks.

“and why the f*ck do you have white hair?” Mr. Attacker had a devilish grin.

If not for the fact that I’m currently scared to death, I would’ve rolled my eyes.

“t-that’s how I was b-born” I couldn’t stop myself from speaking.

“did I ask you to f*cking speak?” I almost peed! Literally.

I was too scared to speak.

“ANSWER ME!” he roared. I gulped down the huge lump in my throat.

“n-n-no sir” Because of master’s kindness, the word ‘sir’ sounds weird coming from me.

The furious vampire came closer and deeply inhaled my scent.

“you smell nice and your body looks sweet” the next thing I felt was Mr. Attacker’s long tongue lick my neck.

Who is this guy?

Some kind of pervert?

“tasting you will be a treat” his voice was low. Did he intentionally make that sick rhyme?

I felt his fangs grazed my neck and a whimper escaped me.

My body froze when he stopped at a particular spot.

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