41 - The Ghost Town

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"Yep. It's been a while since I've seen another Arachnid." Lightly smiled Sherif Wyn. "And you are?"

"Madam Webb. A pleasure to meet you." She nodded.

"Ah, the Madam Webb. I've heard about'cha." Replied Sherif Wyn. "I would have thought you came to help, but'cha obviously don't know what's going on round here."

"We don't." Madam Webb shook her head. "So why is this place so...barren?"

"It's cause of those damn Devil Riders." Sherif Wyn sighed.

An outlaw group? Sounds like an outlaw group.

"They've been ransacking our town for a while now. Come 'n go, taking what they please. And we can't do a thing 'bout it. Only a few of us can fight. All of them can. They heavily outnumber us." Sherif Wyn explained.

"Not ta mention somehow they've holed 'emselves up in Oasis despite all of the slimes." Sherif Wyn added. "Who knows how. A bunch of outlaws who actually took over the only forest in all of Hell..."

"This is worrying." Madam Webb muttered. "Hey, have you seen any buses earlier today?"

"Buses?" Sherif Wyn replied. "The Devil Riders took 'em as captives...don't tell me...!"

"Those are my students." Growled Madam Webb. "Damn it. If only I had been there..."

"It's not your fault Mom." John stated. "That idiot Duncan had delayed us."

"They're still my students." Madam Webb sighed. "Sherif Wyn, how about we work together to stop the Devil Riders? They've taken stuff from both of us now."

"Hahaha, that sounds like a good idea!" Grinned Sherif Wyn. "We really needed the extra firepower. I have a plan. Now we just have'ta wait for them to arrive-"

The door to the pub was suddenly blasted off. The door flew into the pub, crashing against the ground and causing the people of Spotsville to jump up in surprise. The absence of the door let sunlight fill into the pub, leaving it a lot brighter than before.

A man walked through the broken doorway. With spiked boots, a spiked jacket, and a bandana around his mouth, you could easily tell he was trouble. He walked inside, multiple others with similar outfits behind him.

"Well well well, hello again Sherif Wyn. Seems you got yourself some new friends. Thanks for the bus outside, we're going to pimp it into the coolest bus ever." Cockily grinned the man.

"You the same people as those with the other buses? Bet'cha wondering where they are, huh?" He taunted.

"This guy is annoying." Sally commented.

Agreed. He's getting on my nerves.

"I hate people like this." Groaned Dawn.

Sherif Wyn rolled her eyes. "Put a sock innit. Get out of here before I rip your eyes out."

"Ooh, someone suddenly got feisty." Teased the man. "What happened to your compliance from last week? Finally grew some balls cause of a bunch of strangers?"

"I'm a woman, you crap-dunce cocksucker. I don't have balls. I could always take yours though. But that would hurt, wouldn't it?" Sherif Wyn grinned, a creepy smile on her face as her razor sharp teeth were shown.

The man slightly paled as his hands slightly moved towards his balls, before he suddenly became very red with anger.

"I'm not afraid of you bitch." He hissed. "I could take all of you on right now with just my fists. If you want a bar fight, I can give ya one."

Madam Webb rolled her eyes with a sigh.

"You think you're all the shit, huh?" The man angrily cursed, his attention now focused onto Madam Webb. "You want a go, eh?"

"I could defeat you with neither of my hands." Madam Webb replied.

That's very true. With her purple telekinetic power things she would totally be able to destroy him, unless he's hiding something.

"Hah." He scoffed. "Do you know who you're talking to? I'm the second in command of the Devil Riders, and a pride demon? You really want to mess with me? Cause I'll mess you up."

This guy was really starting to annoy me. He reminded me a lot of Duncan, and I really hate Duncan. All of this talk, yet he hasn't done a thing.

No wonder he's a pride demon, cause he's full of it.

"By the time I'm done with you you'll be on your knees begging for me to save your life." He growled. "So maybe you should just save yourself a beating and apologize by getting down now and sucki-"

I moved before I had even realized it, my Angel wing and halo out as I flew through the pub in a second, appearing in front of the man and slamming my fist into his face.

He flew backwards, slamming into another Devil Rider as they skidded against the ground outside, leaving a cloud of dust in the air. Everything went silent as suddenly all eyes were on me.

"Shut up." I growled. "You're talking a lot for someone so defenseless."

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