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Jeongin has everyone over at his penthouse today but even with he extra company, he's sitting by himself on the kitchen island with the bowl of grapes that Minho left for him when he passed by the kitchen to grab some drinks for everyone next to him. He's on his phone, scrolling through his social media accounts and looking at the wavering comments about the latest news about Jeongin. He's sure that these were harsher weeks ago, but now that those people are out of the way, Jeongin can see the flood of positive reactions and his heart feels full reading them.

"There you are." an amused voice that Jeongin knows all too well muses as he steps into the kitchen and walks over to the island. Jeongin looks up from his phone and smiles at Chan. "I was starting to think you ran away."

"Why would I run away from my own house?" Jeongin laughs when Chan stands in front of him. Chan is wearing a sweater that was fresh from the wash and he's not wearing cologne since they were staying indoors for the day, so Jeongin knows that Chan smells like Jeongin's lavender fabric conditioner.

"Cold feet, perhaps?" Chan jests lightly.

Jeongin shakes his head, a small laugh leaving his lips as he smiles at his boyfriend. "Me? Never."

Jeongin leans into Chan's chest so that he can wrap his arms under Chan's so that he can hug him by his waist. Chan's right hand finds its place on Jeongin's back whilst his left hand wanders to the bowl of grapes next to Jeongin and pops one in his mouth. Jeongin simply watches as Chan chews on the grape, feeling a new type of giddy now that Chan was officially moving into his penthouse.

It only made sense for Chan to finally move in with Jeongin since he was here more than he was in his own apartment (there was also the fact that he was in his studio more than he was anywhere else, but he made sure to always make time for his equally busy boyfriend). There are times when the only time they can make each other is to fall asleep and wake up in the same bed and even if Chan and Jeongin had no problems with going back-and-forth between two places, it was better for them to properly have their own place to make their's, and what better place is there than Jeongin's penthouse, where they're miles high with no one to touch them.

There wasn't a lot to do for Chan to move in either when they had spent more than a year already making a shared home of the penthouse, like how a few months ago, Jeongin had come home to Chan sleeping in the bedroom with the blackout curtains a dark navy rather than the white Jeongin had so foolishly picked out long ago; what made Chan decide to fix the curtains, he didn't know, but he liked the change.

They had gone public a month ago for the exact reason of Chan moving in and for the first few days, they had stayed away from social media to avoid the inevitable criticism and negative comments that were surely there but even if Jeongin had feared that happening all that time ago, he's reached the point where he was more scared of losing Chan.

Over the last year and a half, they have started to go public about their relationship statuses. Jisung and Minho went first, surprising even their friends when they went public about their relationship barely two months after they officially got together.

Hyunjin and Seungmin, being longest couple of the group, had been reported to the media a little more than half a year ago during Hyunjin's comeback, when he thanked the 'love of his life' for being his pillar and strength. To most people it would have been viewed as a slip of the tongue, but Hyunjin and Seungmin had both agreed that they were ready to admit to their relationship and had decided to get it over with naturally.

Chan and Jeongin announced that they were dating a month ago and the surprised reactions from the media and fans was a testament to how discreet they had been when all this time they thought that they were being clumsy with trying to keep their relationship a secret. Jeongin can think of a few instances where either he or Chan were on the verge of a slip-up over the months but apparently those were only for them to notice.

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