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It doesn't take long for Jeongin to admit and accept the fact that there is no one in his life that is dating the love of their life and knows what they're saying. In theory, it sounded like a perfect solution to approach someone like that but when he thought about it, there really isn't anyone that he's close to that checks off both requirements.

The first one is easier to come across than the second one because, frankly, Jeongin's friendsㅡ and the only people that he's willing to show his imperfections to, even if there still is that small hesitance to do so (it's a process and it's one that Jeongin will gladly stay in the middle of it if means keeping up his image of a golden boy sweetheart that can do no wrong)ㅡ will say and do the most random things at the most random times and that's just how life is and that's just how Jeongin likes it because it also gives him the free range to be a little crazy once in a while.

So he doesn't let himself expect too much that Hyunjin will say anything of substance, but at least he's madly in love with Kim Seungmin and will stay that way for far longer than Jeongin can round up to.

He knocks on the door of Hyunjin's favourite practice room but still opens the door when he finds it unlocked without waiting for Hyunjin to tell him that he can come inside. He pokes his head inside and smiles brightly at his friend who's in the middle of stretching.

"Are you alone?" he asks an obvious question when he meets Hyunjin's eyes through the wall-sized mirror.

Hyunjin turns around to look at him and halts his warm-up exercises. He lackadaisically gestures around the room, empty save from both of them. "Yeah?"

"Where's your boyfriend?" as much as Hyunjin is in love with Seungmin, the vocal teacher can easily match that energy on any day when he feels like it. He won't be surprised if Seungmin would come barging in at any minute claiming that he's bored and misses Hyunjin.

"He has a session with some of the trainees." Hyunjin answers. "Why, what's up?"

Jeongin steps inside the room and locks the door. Seungmin should be away for at least two hours seeing that it's only the start of the hour and Seungmin is detail-oriented that way but he's not taking any chances. "Good, I want to talk to you."

Jeongin crosses to the other side of the room and sits down on the floor in front of the mirror with his legs crossed under him and looks up at Hyunjin with an expecting smile on his face for the older to sit down as well. His heart is jumping around in his chest, quite unsure whether it wants to leap out of his mouth or sink down his stomach because his nerves are suddenly all over the place as he realizes the conversation he's about to start.

Hyunjin raises a brow at him before wordlessly walking over to Jeongin and sitting in front of him. He keeps his hands on his knees and waits for Jeongin to start talking. It's not every day that Jeongin looks so serious when he wants to talk and Hyunjin knows him enough to know that the younger is troubled by whatever it is that's on his mind right now.

Jeongin takes a deep breath and copies Hyunjin, places his hands on his knees as if that would calm him down. It doesn't, but he pretends that it does in case he'd be able to trick his nerves into settling themselves.

"You and Seungmin..." he starts and Jeongin can see how Hyunjin pays even more attention to him at the mention of his beloved boyfriend. "how do you do it?"

He could have probably worded it better but he'll have to admit that this was better than yesterday when he and Minho almost got into a car accident because of how reckless he constructed his sentence.

There's a bated silence as Hyunjin processes Jeongin's question before he can construct his answer. He looks at Jeongin, then at the mirror behind him, and then back at Jeongin, to his hands on his knees and then at Jeongin's, and then at the singer one last time before he finally speaks. "What do you mean?"

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