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It's the eve of his comeback day and Jeongin is practically running circles around his living and dining room because his guests are about to arrive soon and he wants everything to be in place for when they do so all he has left to do is sit and relax with his friends before his schedule picks up again tomorrow.

He's really not doing much. His home is usually cleanㅡ it's not spotless, but it's not a dump eitherㅡ and Jeongin had decided against putting up decorations because he'd be too lazy to take them down later, so Minho had resorted to giving Jeongin menial tasks whilst he made dinner for everybody. He'd make Jeongin help in the kitchen but past experiences told both the singer and the manager that it would be counter-productive.

"Jeongin, relax," Minho chuckles from where he's in the kitchen cleaning up. The smell of baked lemon chicken permeates through the penthouse. "it's Jisung and the others, it's not exactly a formal event."

Jeongin doesn't comment on how Minho singles out Jisung's name from his sentence because he's learned by now that Minho will deny it; partly because he's a stubborn pain in the ass and partly because there's a chance he genuinely could not recall doing so because he does it so mindlessly.

"Yeah but I feel like if I sit down and chill, I'll fall asleep and wake up tomorrow afternoon." that's how tired he felt but he's also pumped because in hours, his new album will be released, resulting in the singer being filled with energy that he needs to expel one way or another.

The bell rings and Minho glares at Jeongin to stay put as the older goes to open it, apron and all. Jeongin doesn't listen and follows after his manager. He doesn't know why there's a nervous skip in his heart at the anticipation for a certain blond producer to show up, even if there's no indication that it's him at the door.

"Hey, good thing you're the first ones here, I need someone to distract our superstar whilst I finish up with dinner." Minho laughs as he takes the cake that Changbin was offering and showing the two inside the penthouse.

Jeongin gives Minho a face as Felix makes his way to him and latches onto his arm, now completely engrossed in his half-hearted task of 'distracting the superstar'. "I'm perfectly capable of staying put, thank you very much."

"Then why are you here when I told you I'd get the door?" Minho raises a brow at him.

Jeongin doesn't have anything to argue with so he lets Felix drag him to the sofa, both boyfriends on either side of him and Changbin flipping through channels on the television to look for something that the three of them could use to pass the time.

Felix is talking Jeongin's ear off, saying things that the younger is only mildly aware of because as much as he'd like to be attentive of what he's sure is a very detailed re-telling of how his week went, he's torn between standing up to help Minho plate dinner and just crashing on the couch and hoping that he wakes up to an undamaged penthouse.

Jisung is dropped off by his manager a few minutes later and he's the one that ends up with Minho in the kitchen. He brought with him two bottles of wine that he most likely took from his own pantry as a last-minute gift to Jeongin even when they don't usually exchange gifts during gatherings like this. Felix tittered when Jisung said it was an excuse to get rid of a few bottles since his pantry was getting full.

Hyunjin and Seungmin arrive not long after that (also dropped off by Hyunjin's manager because even if she trusts Seungmin, she doesn't trust Seungmin and  Hyunjin, so it was better safe than sorry) and they stay in the living room as per Minho's order of 'distracting the superstar because I've run out of chores to make him do'.

And as alert as Jeongin has been, it doubles when the bell rings for supposedly the last time tonight and the last guest of Jeongin's little dinner party is now outside his door. He stands from the sofa, glaring at the four people that were ready to protest that he had to stay with them until dinner was ready, and then yells loud enough for Minho and Jisung to hear, "If I don't open that door then I'm burning the building down!"

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