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"Jeongin, wake up, we're here." Minho shakes him awake gently from where he's seated next to the younger in the van. They have travelling to Daejeon first thing in the morning for Jeongin's music video shooting and they both dozed off as soon as the van started moving. They both opted to get their morning caffeine fix at the set instead of stopping by a cafe for coffee before travelling, which didn't give them much energy for the trip.

Jeongin rubs at his eyes and yawns. "Already?"

"Yeah," Minho chuckles and reaches over Jeongin to unlock his side of the door. "come on, I'll get us some coffees whilst you find your way to hair-and-make-up."

"Already?" Jeongin repeats with a whine. What he would do for another half hour of shut eye right now.

"Yes, already." Minho ruffles his hair affectionately. "Come on, get up."

Jeongin does as he's told and walks himself to his stylists as his manager goes to the snacks area to get them something to wake them both up. He looks around the outdoor set and hopes that the weather would be kind to them today because he likes how everything looks and also doesn't want to reschedule anything when everything is all set. He yawns again as he's seated on a chair.

He woke up in the middle of the night to see that Chan had also fallen asleep in the middle of their video call and Jeongin had spent most of the next hour admiring the songwriter as he slept before ending the call and going back to sleep, heart warm at the fact his eyes burned slightly from staring at his screen for so long.

Was it a waste of time? Jeongin doesn't think so. It did make for a sleepy Jeongin, though, so Minho might have to fetch him more than one cup of coffee this hour alone.

A camera is pointed at him and Jeongin waves at it, recites the date, time, and place for the sake of behind-the-scenes footage and then quickly forgets about it when Minho comes and goes with his coffee. Minho is going to make rounds in the set to make sure that there are no problems.

As they're getting ready, Jeongin takes sips of his coffee, feeling himself wake up little by little but still not enough for him not to wish he could crawl back in bed. It warms his insides, though, which also helps him stay awake. His stylists make idle conversation with him to keep him awake and he appreciates the small talk, laughs shyly when they make a comment on how he still looks so picture perfect even when he's still getting ready to shoot.

Jeongin's phone goes off with a call. He smiles apologetically at his stylist and asks her to pause styling his hair so that he could take the call. He's pleasantly surprised to see that it's Chan calling but he doesn't forget to cover the caller ID once he sees it because he doesn't want his stylist seeing the heart emoji next to the composer's name. There's also a camera pointed at him, for behind-the-scenes clips, but he's only mildly aware of that right now.

"Hey, good morning." Jeongin would have greeted him more enthusiastically if he wasn't cut off by another yawn. He should ask Minho for that second cup of coffee now.

"Good morning, sleepy star." Chan greets him. "Are you at the set already?"

"Yeah, we got here about an hour ago." Jeongin says and once again looks around the outdoor set as the staff are making sure that everything is in place and ready to be filmed. His eyes unconsciously find the camera propped on the corner of the make-up table and he flashes it a smile and a small wave.

"I got you something." Chan hums. Jeongin hears the tapping of a keyboard in the background. Chan must already be in his studio.

"You did?" he asks. "What?"

"It should be there by now." as Chan says that, Jeongin sees Minho making his way to him, waving at him to take his phone out of his ear for a moment.

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