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Some time after lunch, there's a knock on Chan's door. It's the knock that he can't ignore because there's only a handful of people that know that code and it just so happens that those are also the people that have little hesitation of kicking his door down if it means they could drag Chan out of the studio for five minutes.

He saves his work and goes to answer the door, raising a brow when Jisung and Changbin stand in front of him two seconds before pushing their way inside without so much as a greeting. Chan doesn't protest and simply locks the door again, clearly unamused with the interruption but he can't find it in himself to kick them out in a less than light-hearted way because he's too undemanding around his close friends.

"Where's Felix?" he asks the two as he sits back on his chair and lets the other two get comfortable on the sofa. They're setting up Jisung's laptop on the coffee table and Chan assumes that they want to show him something. Jisung and Felix have already shown him snippets of their collab song so he's assuming that their visit is because of that.

"He's getting his hair dyed at the salon downstairs." Changbin answers. "I'll pick him up in a couple of hours when he's done."

Chan nods at the answer just as Jisung finishes setting up his laptop. He flashes Chan a bright smile before he brings the laptop with him to sit on the spare swivel chair next to Chan. "Tell us what you think and I'll just relay what you say to Felix."

He plays the track and Chan listens intently as Changbin lounges on the sofa that he now has all to himself and Jisung gauges Chan's reaction. He had adjusted the prior recording per Chan's suggestions last time as well as adding his own tweaks to it in the process. After the track finishes playing, they sit in silence waiting for Chan to formulate his thoughts and the songwriter absentmindedly pulls on the collar of his hoodie as he clears his throat before he starts speaking.

The direction of their conversation changes drastically when Jisung gasps whilst he practically throws his laptop back on the coffee table before he's lunging for Chan's hoodie and clutching at the thick fabric in an attempt to bring the hem of the collar even lower. Instinctively, Chan fights back against the almost-screeching singer, shocked at his unexplained actions but by the way Jisung is urgently trying to pull on Chan's hoodie, it's clear that asking for a reasonable explanation is a long shot.

"Jisung, what the fuck are you doing?" Chan asks, one part curious and two parts panicked at the younger's sudden attitude as he fights against Jisung's hands with his own. His reflexes almost force him to flip Jisung to the ground but he's not looking forward to an assault charge on a celebrity so he stops himself at the last minute.

Jisung doesn't pay him any mind and instead turns to Changbin who's watching them with an expression between scared and questioning. He's also guilty to admit that he finds the situation more amusing than he should given that there's no context whatsoever about what's happening.

"Changbin! Hold him, hold him!" Jisung demands and despite how fussy Jisung is being, Chan can recognize the urgency in Jisung's voice and that realization makes Chan's heart drop to his tone. That voice promises hours of questions and teasing and Chan isn't even sure what's happening.


"He has a hickey!" Jisung yells.


Chan freezes for a split second and that's almost enough to give Jisung the leverage to pull Chan's hoodie down if the songwriter still wasn't restraining him. And then Changbin is shooting up from his spot on the sofa and hurriedly sidling the coffee table to make his way behind Chan and taking his hands off Jisung so that the singer can finally pull the collar of Chan's hoodie down.

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