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Chan had gotten pretty good at disabling Jeongin's morning alarm, if he can say so himself. Proof of that is the fact that the younger man is still soundly asleep next to him whilst his white blackout curtains attempt to block out the morning sunlight peeking through his glass balcony door. Chan had woken up a few minutes ago but he's staying in bed to lay down next to his sleeping star and admire how placid he looks.

With the light from the white curtains, Jeongin almost looks like he's glowing. Up high in a tall building and looking down on the world, exactly where he should be because his place is at the top.

An angel or a star, Chan suddenly can't decide.

Jeongin shifts in his sleep, out of Chan's arms and that's when the songwriter decides that it's time to get up and make coffee and tea. He finds his shirt on the floor and throws it on before leaving Jeongin's bedroom to make his way to the kitchen.

He leaves the door half-opened even when he knows that there's a big chance that Jeongin will scold him about it later. The younger liked to call Chan out for leaving doors open when he goes to and from rooms but Chan can't help it if he wants to hear Jeongin from rooms away and he can't do that if he closes the door.

Another thing that Chan had gotten better at is deciding what Jeongin's morning cup of coffee should be. On most days when the singer has a very hectic schedule, it's best to give him something strong and bitter. On days like this, where he has nothing planned and can very well sleep the whole day if he chooses to, Jeongin drinks sweeter and lighter flavours.

Chan wants to be astounded by how much he feels at home in Jeongin's penthouseㅡ in Jeongin's lifeㅡ but he can't find the inclination to feel amazed when it's just so right to be making one cup of tea and one cup of coffee in the morning before he wakes up the star still deep asleep. Rather than to be astounded, Chan solely feels satisfied.

After he makes himself an Earl Grey and Jeongin a hazelnut latte, he carries the two mugs back to Jeongin's room and wake his boyfriend up for the day. As much as he wants Jeongin to sleep until noon (everyone knows that they both deserve the extra hours of sleep), Chan also knows that Jeongin doesn't like waking up in the afternoons so it's best to wake him up now rather than later.

Once Chan is near enough, he realizes that Jeongin is already awake and on the phone with someone.

"It came out already? I'll check it after this, send me the link." Jeongin's voice can be heard through the half-opened door as Chan uses his foot to push it completely open and enters the bedroom. "Alright, thank you."

Jeongin is sitting up on the bed, the blankets bunched around his hips and he's yet to bother to fix his hair or shirt, which means that he only woke up because his phone started ringing. Jeongin smiles at him and holds a hand up to tell Chan to wait. Chan can see how bubbly Jeongin is.

"See you soon. Bye." Jeongin says before he hangs up the phone and places it back on the nightstand, next to Chan's phone. Then he looks back at his boyfriend and sees the two mugs that he's holding. "Good morning, baby."

"Good morning, star." Chan answers with a bright smile of his own. "Was that Minho?"

Jeongin nods. "Yeah."

"Is there any trouble at work?" Chan asks as he sets the warm mug of coffee in Jeongin's hands before sitting in front of the singer, his own mug of tea on the nightstand next to Jeongin.

Jeongin takes a sip of the coffee before smiling appreciatively at Chan and placing it next to Chan's tea. He shakes his head, eyes a bit too excited for the early morning. "Everything is perfect."

"What did Minho say?" Chan asks next. As much as the enthusiasm in Jeongin's expression tells no lies, Chan still wants to make sure that his boyfriend isn't in any trouble. If it was good news, then he'd gladly share Jeongin's excitement.

"You'll see in a bit. Right now, I want kisses." Jeongin leans over to drape his arms over Chan's shoulders, pulling him into a half-hug that would be uncomfortable to stay in for too long but Chan lets Jeongin plant kisses all over his cheeks for now.

Chan laughs and pushes Jeongin away to give him a proper kiss that Jeongin hums into, his hands moving from the back of his shoulders to his hair, playing with the messy strands that Chan still hasn't combed over yet. When he pulls away, he kisses Jeongin's forehead before letting the singer move back into a comfortable sitting position. "Tell me, morningstar."

Jeongin smiles at Chan one last time before he reaches over his phone and checks something on it. Chan waits until Jeongin looks back up at him and shows him the screen, big blocky letters of an article reading 'Yang Jeongin to take month-long hiatus following successful comeback'. Chan quickly takes the phone in his own hands, ignoring Jeongin's little laugh as he reaches for his coffee again.

He reads through the article, seeing that the hiatus was for personal reasons and that it was stressed that Jeongin wasn't sick or unhealthy or involved in some random scandal; that Jeongin just decided to take some time for himself and relax after being so busy. He looks up from Jeongin's phone to see the singer happily drinking his coffee, watching Chan's reaction with a content smile on his lips.

When he realizes that Chan was finished looking through the article, he sets his mug of coffee back down and takes his phone away from Chan. "I thought it was about time I took you up on that vacation you promised me before."

Chan is suddenly reminded of standing outside of the elevator and pulling Jeongin into a sneaky kiss before saying goodbye. He had forgotten that he had mentioned the possibility of them going on a vacation for a few days but now that it's being brought up again, then there was no way that Chan was passing up the opportunity.

Chan tilts his head and smiles teasingly at the younger. "Wasn't that supposed to be a week-long vacation?"

"Yeah, but it's been a while since you brought it up, so think of it as an interest fee." Jeongin huffs, a little pout on his face as he plays with the ends of his blankets. By the end of his sentence, Jeongin is close to mumbling and it takes all of Chan not to coo at his boyfriend.

Chan tugs the blankets off of Jeongin and scoots closer so that he can place Jeongin's legs on his lap. Jeongin is quick to lean closer to Chan until his head is on the songwriter's shoulder. "I'll apply for a leave, then. You're lucky I have a ton of vacation days saved up."

Given how much Chan works and the only free time he gives himself recently is to spend time with Jeongin, he believes that it is completely justified if he would file a leave so that he can travel with his boyfriend. Changbin and Jisung have been hounding him to use his vacation days on instances that aren't him sick and bedridden, so a getaway with Jeongin is the perfect reason to not go to work.

Jeongin looks up at Chan's side-profile, smiling to himself and only half-aware that Chan was giving him his coffee back as Chan takes his own teaㅡ Jeongin doesn't have to ask or taste it to know that it's Earl Grey because that's what Chan usually drinks in the morningㅡ and starts drinking it. "Yeah," he breathes out. "I'm really lucky."

He really, truly is.

Chan looks at him and smiles, leans over to kiss Jeongin on the lips before Jeongin is pulled out of his reverie and he focuses on finishing his coffee before it turns lukewarm.

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