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It's not every day that Jeongin gets an entire day free of work, especially when preparations for his comeback are just around the corner. Usually, he'd hole himself in his penthouse and stock up on all the rest and sleep that he could but for some reason he'd decided that he wanted to bother his friends today.

Luckily, Felix and Jisung were scheduled to spend the whole day together as well, so it wasn't a question of who he was going to bother when his two friends were going to be together.

"I can't believe you two are going to collab before me." Jeongin fake-sulks from his seat on the couch in one of the studios of Felix and Jisung's agency. Changbin and Minho are seated on either side of him, both managers looking intently on their own laptops placed on top of the coffee table between the three of them and the two singers seated next to each other in front of the control booth and main computer, throwing ideas back-and-forth. Jeongin had been busy on his phone this whole while, seeing as how everyone he was with has paired off to do their own work, but Jeongin is here to bother people, so he should do what he came here for.

"We've been wanting to do a song together for ages but our schedules have never lined up." Jisung laughs and Felix nods in affirmation. Jeongin had been playing around with the idea of a collaboration with either Jisung or Felix ever since their fans have picked up on his friendships with them; but now here Jeongin is, sulking because those two decided to stab him in the back and work on a project together without him.

Jeongin narrows his eyes at the space on the coffee table between the two laptops. He listens to the tapping of fingers on two sets of laptops, still unsure of what they were doing even when the screens were right in front of him. "It's not my fault that our managers can't do anything right."

Jeongin is entirely joking but that doesn't stop the two older men from glaring at him with a synchronized, "Hey!"

Jeongin ignores Changbin (he gets enough attention from Felix already) and turns to Minho, that practiced pout on his lip that Minho doesn't care much for because he sees it way too much to be affected by it anymore. "I'm hungry."

"What do you want me to do about it?" Minho retorts. Jeongin isn't sure what Minho is doing right now. It seems like he and Changbin are getting along fine with whatever work they're doing since it looks like they're doing similar tasks at the moment. Jeongin isn't sure, he usually doesn't pay attention to them when they get into their manager-modes.

"Buy me food." Jeongin says it in that nasally voice he uses when he's confident that he shouldn't have to say what he's saying aloud. It should be a given that they should all eat soon because it's nearly time for lunch and Jeongin didn't have anything for breakfast. He doubts that Felix and Jisung are going to take the initiative of getting food anytime soon since they're too deep in their songwriting and Changbin and Minho are too deep in their work to notice the time so it's fallen into Jeongin's hands to remind them to eat.

"I'm your manager, not your personal servant." Minho argues but he's already saving his work and his eyes are scanning through the room in search for his bag where his and Jeongin's things are.

"Manage my eating schedule properly, then." Jeongin answers, voice still that nasally tone that Minho scoffs at.

"Just for that, I'll starve you today." Minho finds his bag under the coffee table and takes out his wallet where Jeongin's card is tucked away.

"You're using my card."

"And we thank you for your generosity for paying for our lunch, superstar."

Jisung laughs at the two before he stands up and stretches, his joints popping at the movement after being seated for hours. He stands on the end of the sofa and lightly kicks Minho's foot to tell him to stand up as well. "Oh, hush, if the public finds out that you're denying the national sweetheart an iced americano then your life is over." Jeongin blows a raspberry his way. Jisung sticks his tongue out in return before he turns back to Minho. "Come on, stop whining, I'll come with you."

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