"Yeah no I'm not.." He looked down in defeat. "But it's more stress added onto my life. I'm not like you who can just silence a room just by walking in." He explained.

"What?" He got a confused look. He wasn't aware he did that. Does he scare people..? "You know.. you're just.. YOU!" He tried to thoroughly explain but he got nothing.

Pico stood up and placed his hands on his desk. "Come here." He motioned his hand. Keith stepped forward, Pico yanking him by his tie and pulling him down to his eye level.

Pico leaned down only to stare at him with a straight face. Keith on the other hand was highly shocked, not knowing what he was doing.

"Does this intimidate you?" He questioned, not breaking eye contact at all. Not even with a blink.

"Y..Yeah sort of-" Keith nervously laughed. Pico let him go and sat back down in his chair, clicking his pen to write something.

"Well what do you want me to do then?" Pico asked. "..What do you mean?" Keith was still a bit shaken up by what just happened.

"You walk in my office to complain, then forget about it.." Pico eyed him. "Oh," Keith started. "Stop giving me so much work!" Keith squinted.

"Can't do that." Pico continued writing. "Besides you get paid extra for doing it." He told him. Keith could honestly care less about a bonus check.

Pico glanced at him, seeing that answer didn't really satisfy him. He felt like he was sort of taking advantage of him.. He wasn't in any position to quit. So it's like he was forcing him.. he didn't mean to do that-

He sighed once again, putting the stuff into a drawer and closing it. "Alright fine." He started, getting Keith's attention.

"You said you're stressed out right? Let me relieve it for you." Pico said casually. "So you're gonna give me a break?" Keith lightly smiled. But soon went away when Pico shook his head no.

The superior motioned a finger, indicating for him to come here. Keith stepped closer to the desk.

Pico pointed a finger, indirectly telling him to stand right in front of him. Keith looked confused.. but did so.

"What did you mean by re-" He suddenly felt to hands grab his waist and pull him down, now he was sitting on top of him.. in his lap?!

Keith's face instantly heated up, what was going on?! "You seriously didn't know what I meant by that?" Pico questioned honestly. Maybe he was either stupid or just innocent.

Maybe both.

"Of course I didn't..! w..we're at work-" He covered his face with his hands. A bit embarrassed to just be sitting himself on top of his boss like this-

"And?" Pico gently ran a finger under his chin, making Keith shudder a bit above him. Was he getting seduced right now..?

Cause it's fucking working.

Pico decided to softly and slowly rub his hands up and down his sides. Mainly to relax him for now. He looked up at him as he did so.

As much as Keith wanted to look away from him.. he couldn't. It was like a gaze he was pulled into.

The room got a lot hotter, Keith already starting to feel himself feeling good, and all he was doing was lightly touching him. He was getting embarrassed..

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