I placed my hands over my stomach. I felt no different, nor was there any bump visible. I had looked up images of what a baby bump should look like at 12 weeks, and was disheartened to see other women already showing when I wasn't. Though I was curvier than the women google had shown me, so I assumed that had something to do with it.

The only difference I had noticed was that my pants felt a bit tighter. That gave me hope that I would start showing within the next few weeks.

When the sonogram technician walked in, she did a sonogram like I had gotten last time. She squirted the gel on my stomach and moved the wand around some.

I gasped when I saw the image on the screen. "That's my baby." At the 8 week appointment, walnut didn't look like much more than a blob. This time, they looked much different. I could see their head and their abdomen. I saw their nose and lips. I saw their chubby belly and bent legs. Walnut was precious.

"That's your baby," the tech said.

"I didn't know just four weeks would make such a difference."

She smiled at me. "Most women are shocked to see the difference. Carrying a child is a magical experience."

I nodded my head in agreement. It definitely was.

"Would you like to hear the heartbeat?" She asked.

"I would love to."

Using another machine, she moved a different wand around my lower abdomen. Soon, a steady thudding noise sounded in the room. "That's the heartbeat?"

"Sure is. It sounds strong and healthy."

I closed my eyes, blinking back unshed tears. My anxiety was for nothing. Nothing else mattered at that moment except for my little walnut in my belly.

After a few more moments, she removed the wand and printed off a sheet of ultrasound pictures. "Dr. Bartley will be in to see you in a few minutes. And then you'll go to our phlebotomy room to get some blood drawn okay? Have a great day, Anna."

"You too," I said before she closed the door.

After the doctor had spoken with me, my blood was drawn. I'd only had blood drawn once before and while it wasn't a terrible experience, I did not enjoy it. The phlebotomist had a hard time sticking me with the needle as my veins simply moved too much.

When I walked to my car, I placed the sonogram pictures in my sun visor, careful not to crumple them. I was excited to show Dorothy when I got to work.

After parking my car in the parking lot, I headed into the book store where I saw Dorothy and Ermanno standing at the front desk.

"How was the appointment?" She asked, coming out from behind the counter. She hugged me before pulling away to look at me.

"It went great." I handed her the pictures.

"Oh my!" She exclaimed. "So precious, Anna. What a beautiful baby." She hugged me again and then handed me back the pictures. "I'm so excited for you."

"Thank you." I was excited for walnut to grow up with someone who would love them as her own grandchild.

I glanced up at Ermanno and noticed he had been looking at me. I let my hair fall in front of my face to hide the blush forming on my cheeks

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