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Broken Destiny by blueberryhoon has now officially ended. Thank you all so much for reading this book!


Aaaaaa it's finally done! I hope y'all like it! I cried while writing the last chapter omg lol.

Also, if you're a Filo or can understand Tagalog, try listening to Kung Wala Ka by Hale. It kinda sounds like Sunghoon is the one who's singing so I suggest to check it out! And try listening to Pagsamo by Arthur Nery as well. As far as I know, Pagsamo has an English version.


Anyways, I hope you guys will also support the next story. JayWon's story entitled "Love At First Sight". Check it on my profile!


Before ending this officially, I would like to thank you all. Thank you for the love and support you have me. Not gonna lie, I struggled a bit while writing this but I managed to finish it because of your support. Thank you!! Stay safe and healthy!! I love you all so much!!!

See you on the next book! <3


Broken Destiny • JakeHoon • #2Where stories live. Discover now