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Saturday, 2:00 pm.

It's been a month since school started. Jake and Sunghoon are face timing again while reviewing for their exam on Monday.

In that past month, they grew a lot more closer. They're always on call, they will not end the call until they see each other in personal. They would always enter and leave school together. And always eat meals with each other, lunch in person while they eat their breakfast and dinner while face timing.

Sunghoon promised himself that he won't like someone but also can't deny that he has feelings for Jake.

Sunghoon got attached to Jake so quickly since they're always together, Jake as well.

On the other hand, Jake also has feelings for Sunghoon. His heart won't behave everytime they're together.

Both of them have feelings for each other but don't have any plans on confessing. Both has reasons.

Sunghoon's reason is he wants to focus on his studies once it's his last year already. His brain kept on saying that again and again but his heart said why not focus on his studies and Jake? And also afraid because he thought that Jake likes someone else even though he already said that he's interested in him.

Jake's reason is he's afraid to confess because what if Sunghoon doesn't like him back? And what if Sunghoon doesn't believe him? Isn't it too early? They just met a month ago and he already has feelings for Sunghoon.

"Do you have any plans for tomorrow?" Sunghoon asked while his eyes are focused on the book he's reading but his ears are focused to Jake.

"I don't, how about you?"

"I have. I'm thinking if.." Sunghoon didn't continued his sentence, making Jake curious.



"Oh, come on! Tell me!" Jake whined, making Sunghoon chuckle because of his cuteness.

"It's nothing"

"You're lying!"

"I'll tell you later, promise" Sunghoon said. Jake pouted and just focused on his book.

Silence came again. It was a comfortable silence and not an awkward. Sunghoon kept on stealing some glances on Jake at the screen, not knowing that Jake is doing the same.

Sunghoon wanted to ask Jake out.

Trying won't hurt, tight?


Few hours later.

"This topic is so hard" Sunghoon said while looking at his book.

"What book? Page?" Jake asked from the other line.

"History, page 87" Sunghoon answered. Jake nodded and grabbed his history book to check.

"It's not that hard" Jake stated while looking at the book. Sunghoon groaned.

"It's because you're smart, Shim Jaeyun. Nothing is hard for you"

"There is"

"Really? What is it?"

"Asking you out.." Jake whispered so Sunghoon didn't heard it clearly.


"Nothing! How about this, I'll help you review this topic on Monday"

"Really? You will? Thank you, Jake!"

"Anytime, Sunghoon"

"Sunghoon" Jake called after a long silence.


"How does it feel like to be the president of the class? Is it hard?"

"Kinda. Y'know I'm an introvert, being the class president is kinda hard since everytime the professor will left, I have to handle the whole class. But it's not that hard when it comes to our classmates since they knew me very well. One glare is enough to make them quiet" Sunghoon said. Jake smiled when he remembered.

"Oh, yeah. I remembered that one time when our professor left again. The whole class was noisy but when you stood up infront, they got quiet" Jake giggled. Sunghoon's heart fluttered after hearing Jake's sweet giggles.

"See, it's not that hard. Why did you asked me about it anyway?"

"Nothing. You just seem so calm despite of being the class president"

"Let me share a story. I was once nominated as the school's president, not just the class president"

"But I backed out"


"I just don't feel like being the school's president since it's a big responsibility. But in return, they asked me to be the class president instead. I started being the class president in first year college and until now"

"And you handled it so easily?"

"Yeah, I guess. At first, I don't know what to do but good thing the class was helping me but when we entered second year college, they didn't helped me but it's fine since I got used to it"

"Anyways, it's already 7:00 pm. I'll just make dinner" Sunghoon said. He grabbed his phone from the table and walked out of his bedroom.

Sunghoon turned the lights on in the kitchen and opened the fridge to check if he can cook something. He sighed when he just saw bottled of water and chocolate syrup so he just closed the fridge. He opened the cabinet and good thing there's two cup noodles left.

Sunghoon boiled the water and poured it into the cup. He placed it on the table and waited. He got bored so he stared at Jake through the screen.

Meanwhile, Jake is still reading the book he's reading earlier. Sunghoon was about to speak but he heard Jake's mom calling him. He heard Jake responded. Sunghoon just watched moving around. Minutes after, a familiar view showed up to the screen. Jake is on the kitchen and sitting on the high chair while his phone is placed on the table with a glass at the back of the phone.

"Hi, Sunghoon!" Mrs. Shim greeted and waved.

"Hello, Mrs. Shim" Sunghoon greeted back with a smile.

Sunghoon watched Mrs. Shim disappear from the screen and then he saw Jake eating. He checked his cup and saw that the noodles are ready so he started eating as well.

"Jake" Sunghoon called.


"Is Mrs. Shim still there?"

"No, she's inside her bedroom. Why?"

Little did Jake know, Mrs. Shim is listening to them.

"I want to ask you something"

"Hmm? What is it?"

"Are you free tomorrow?"

"Uh-huh. Why?"

"I'm thinking if.. if.."

"Complete your words or else I'm ending the call"

"If we can go out on a date?" Sunghoon finally asked. Jake chocked on his food.

"What did you say? I think I heard it wrong"

"What did you heard?"

"Y-you asked if we can go out on a d-date"

"You heard it right, Mr. Shim"

"Are you serious?! Us?! Going out on a date?!"

"I am serious, Mr. Shim. So what do you think? Can we go out on a date?"

"I would love to!"


Broken Destiny • JakeHoon • #2Where stories live. Discover now