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It's been five months. The issue between Jake, Sunghoon and Wonyoung is gone after Mr. Jeon clarified the things between the three.

Jake and Sunghoon's relationship are still strong. They sometimes fought but one of them would make a move to fix it, no one would sleep until they're fine.

It's Friday today and they're hanging out at Jake's house since Sunghoon still don't want Jake to enter his condo, it's just uncomfortable for him. Jake also prefer to stay at their house with Sunghoon.

"Baaaabe" Jake whined and tried to get the chocolate from Sunghoon's hands. They're inside Jake's bedroom as usual.

"You ate a lot already, baby"

"I want more chocolate, please baby give it to me"






"One last piece, please?"


"Eeeeh please baby please" Jake whined more, hoping that Sunghoon would give in.

"Nope nope nope"

"Please baby?"

"I said no, babe"

"You really won't give me the chocolate?"


"Then I won't give you kisses!"

"Okay, I'll give you kisses instead"

"I won't accept it"


"Really!" Jake nodded and crossed his arms. Sunghoon smirked and he lean closer. He kissed Jake on the lips and Jake immediately kissed back, making Sunghoon pull away and laugh.

"I hate you!" Jake said and pouted.

"I love you more, baby~" Sunghoon said with an accent, making Jake's heart flutter.

"Do you really want some more?" Sunghoon asked.

"Yes!" Jake instantly nodded. Sunghoon chuckled as he thought of something.

He broke the chocolate in small pieces while Jake is watching him, confused. He took one piece and placed it between his lips. His hands travelled to Jake's nape and pulled him closer to join their lips together.

Jake closed his eyes and held onto Sunghoon's biceps. Sunghoon moved the chocolate from his lips to Jake's.

Jake opened his mouth in response and Sunghoon pushed the chocolate using his tongue. Jake tightened his hold on Sunghoon's biceps as he felt Sunghoon's tongue exploring his mouth. Sunghoon can clearly taste the chocolate in Jake's mouth and it was so sweet.

Sunghoon pulled away to let Jake breath and eat the chocolate. Jake opened his eyes and stared at Sunghoon.

"I want more" Jake whispered.

"More? Chocolate or kisses?" Sunghoon chuckled.

"Kisses" Jake answered and didn't let Sunghoon speak any further and pressed their lips together.


It was already 11:00 pm in the evening. Sunghoon is still at Jake's house. Both of them are in the living room.

"What should we do tomorrow?" Sunghoon asked as he plays with Jake's hand.

"Hmm what do you want to do?"

"I just want to stay with you all day"

"Are you sure? You won't get bored?"

"Baby, when did I get bored when I'm with you? Huh? You know your presence is enough"

"You're so cheesy"

"Whatever. I know you like it"

"Yeah whatever. Just tell me what you want to do"

"Make out with you"


"Yes, baby?"

"Answer me seriously!"

"I'm serious, baby"


"Let's just hangout tomorrow, your choice of course. Let's do anything you want"

"Yeah? What if I want to kill you?"

"Go on, kill me with love"

"The hell?"

"Well we can do something that would lead us to hell. I'll make you feel the heaven first, baby"

"Oh, God! What's wrong with you today?!" Jake asked and shoved Sunghoon away as he cover his ears. Sunghoon cracked up after seeing Jake's flushed face.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry. Come here and give me cuddles"

"No, you'll repeat it again"

"I promise I won't" Sunghoon said. Jake sighed and moved closer so they can cuddle.

"Can we go to a cafe?" Sunghoon asked.

"Of course, babe"

"Alright, sounds like a plan then"

"Mom would be home any minute now, are you going to stay for tonight?"

"Do you want me to stay?"

"Yes, I do. It's already late. But it's your choice"

"Then I'll stay" Sunghoon said and gave Jake a kiss on the forehead. Jake smiled and snuggled closer as he return the kiss but on Sunghoon's cheeks.

"You're so clingy these days" Sunghoon pointed out.

"You want something from me?" Sunghoon asked.

"Nope. I just want to kiss and hug you all day, you're my stress reliever"

"Yeah? Are you getting more stressed at school now?"

"To be honest, yes. Sometimes I won't get a sleep just to review for the quiz. I want to do good since it's our last year already"

"Baby, you know you can call me whenever you need help"

"I know but I also know that it was hard for you as well. I can see in your eyes that you're also tired so I never called you just to get some help. I'd rather not go to sleep than to call you just to help me"

"Aw, you care for me that much?"

"Of course. That's how much I love you, Sunghoon"

"I love you, Jakey"

"And I love you too" Jake said and rested his head on Sunghoon's shoulder. A minute of silence, Jake started to get sleepy. He yawned and Sunghoon seemed to notice it.

"Are you sleepy?" Sunghoon asked. Jake hummed and slightly nodded his head, making Sunghoon smile.

"Then let's sleep" Sunghoon said and stood up.

Jake was about to stand up as well but Sunghoon already carried him bridal style. He yelped because of the sudden action and immediately wrapped his arms around Sunghoon.

Jake started to feel comfortable so he rested his head on Sunghoon's chest and closed his eyes. Sunghoon smiled softly and headed upstairs to Jake's bedroom.

He slowly laid Jake down on the bed. He closed the door and turned the lights off. He carefully laid beside Jake.

As soon as Jake felt Sunghoon's movement beside him, he scooted closer. Sunghoon wrapped his arms around Jake's body and left a kiss on Jake's forehead, cheeks, nose and lips.

Slowly, they fell into a deep sleep.


Broken Destiny • JakeHoon • #2Where stories live. Discover now