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Ten minutes after Sunghoon left, a car honked outside. Jake looked at the window of his bedroom, it was his dad's car.

He ran downstairs, confused why he's here. As soon as Jake arrived downstairs, his mom and dad entered the house.

"Dad!" Jake called. His dad smiled and opened his arms so he can hug Jake.

Jake ran towards his arms with a smile but something caught Jake's attention. His mom. Her smile looks so fake.

"What brought you here? I thought you're busy" Jake said and pulled away. Mr. Shim ruffled his sons hair.

"I'm free the whole week so I decided to pay a visit because why not? And there's a reason why I came here in Korea"

"Yeah? What is it?" Jake asked. His dad didn't answered at looked at her mom.

"L-let's talk about this later, lets have dinner first" Mrs. Shim said. Jake nodded and the three of them headed inside the kitchen.


"So what brings you here?" Jake asked again. They're sitting in the living room. Mr. Shim eyed at Mrs. Shim for a second before looking at Jake.

"I'm thinking if.."


"You should go back to Australia?"

"What? No! I don't want to!"

"Why not?"

"Because I don't want to! It's better if I stay here"

"No, it's better if you stay in Australia"

"Dad, please. I don't want to"

"It's for your own good, Jake. It's better if you stay there, it's your original home" Mr. Shim said. Things started to go hard for him since Jake will probably disobey him.

"No! I don't want to!"


"I said no! Dad, please let me live my life! Just this time!"

"No, you will go back there and continue your life there!"

"How can I if my life is here?!" Jake asked, tears started to fall from his eyes as he think of leaving Sunghoon.

"I know you can"

"No, I can't. I want to stay here"

"You will go back to Australia. End of the discussion"

"No! I will stay here!"

"I will cut ties with you I'd you don't go back to Australia" Mr. Shim threatened.

"Then do it! Just let me stay here!" Jake shouted. Mr. Shim was shocked that it'll be fine for Jake.

"No, I will not. And you will go back to Australia whether you like it or not"

"Please, let me stay here. I can't go back there, please" Jake begged.

"Tell me a good reason first" Mr. Shim said.

"I can focus on my studies here and it's more easy for me.."


"T-that's it"

"Are you sure? Your mom told me something and I want you to tell me what she said, right now" Mr. Shim said. Jake looked at Mrs. Shim and she gave him an apologetic look.

"You have a boyfriend, am I right?" Mr. Shim asked. Jake's tears stopped flowing and his heart started to beat fast because of nervousness.

"Y-yes.." Jake slowly nodded.

"Is this the reason why you want me to go back? Do you want me to breakup with him?" Jake asked and felt his heart getting heavy by just the thought of breaking up with Sunghoon.

"No, I'm not that bad to do that. Plus, I'm not like a stupid homophobic. I just want you to go back"

"But, dad.. I can't leave my boyfriend.. please"

"What's his name?"

"P-Park Sunghoon.."

"I see. He's the main reason why you don't want to leave, right?" Mr. Shim asked and Jake nodded.

"Then I'll talk to him. Don't breakup with him if you don't want to BUT you will go back to Australia"


"It's your choice. Stay here and breakup with him or go back to Australia without any heartbreaks and problems" Mr. Shim ended the discussion. Jake didn't answered for a while and just ran upstairs.

He shut the door of his bedroom and locked it. He broke down, having no choice but to leave Sunghoon.

He sat on his bed and tried to think of some way. He was thinking quietly when his phone beeped. It was a message from Sunghoon.




My Hoonie💙

My Hoonie 💙
Baby, are you busy?

My baby💙
No, why?

My Hoonie💙
Can we have a call?

My baby💙
Ofc hun




Just seconds later after Jake replied, his phone started to ring. He immediately answered it.

"Hey, baby" Sunghoon greeted.

"Hey" Jake mumbled, almost a whisper. He's afraid that Sunghoon would notice that he's crying.

"Are you okay?" Sunghoon asked. Jake bit his lower lip as his tears flowed continuously.


"Are you crying?! Why?! Who hurt my baby?!"

"I'm fine, babe"

"You're not! Stop lying, I can hear you crying"

"Sunghoon, I love you so much"


"I love you so so so so much"

"I don't know what happened to you but please tell me once you're ready. I love you more, baby"

"Hmm. I'll end the call now, I'm sleepy"

"Alright. Sleep tightly, my baby. I love you"

"I love you too"

Jake ended the call and turned his phone off. He started to cry so hard that he can't even breath normally. Jake held his chest and tried to breath.

The door suddenly opened, revealing Mrs. Shim. She ran towards Jake and caressed his back.

"Are you okay?!"

"I– I c-can't b-breath.." Jake muttered. Mrs. Shim gave him the water that he bought and continued to caress his back.

Once Jake's breathing got stabled again, he broke down once again.

"I'm sorry" Mrs. Shim said and hugged Jake.

Jake cried even harder. He knows he can't do anything about this. But one thing is inside his head.

He's not ready to leave Sunghoon.


Broken Destiny • JakeHoon • #2Where stories live. Discover now