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As soon as Jake became friends with Sunghoon, he started to receive some glares from the other students and it kinda scared him.

The students are jealous at how Jake became friends with Sunghoon even though he just transferred.

Those glares didn't stopped Jake from being friends with Sunghoon. He actually loves talking to Sunghoon and every time they're eyes would meet, Jake will always be the one who'll look away first.

Sunghoon and Jake are now heading to the cafeteria since it's already lunch time.

"We're going to have lunch with my friends, is that okay with you?" Sunghoon asked when they entered the cafeteria. Jake hesitated to answer and Sunghoon noticed it.

"It's okay if you don't want to. We can eat somewhere else"

"N-no, it's okay. It's just that, I'm not yet comfortable with others. Just you" Jake admitted. Sunghoon's heart fluttered after hearing Jake's statement.

"Let's get some food then we will eat at the rooftop, hmm?" Sunghoon suggested. Jake smiled and nodded.

Jake went to the line to order some foods for the two of them while Sunghoon went to his friends to inform them.

"Hey, I'm going to eat at the rooftop" Sunghoon said.

"Why?" Sunoo and Jungwon asked at the same time.

"U-uh long story, let's just go home together later" Sunghoon said and immediately left to avoid more conversations. He's sure that the two will tease him again if they knew about him and Jake eating on the rooftop.

Sunghoon approached Jake then they both went out of the cafeteria. They have to take the stairs since it's the only way to the rooftop.

When the two arrived at the rooftop, Sunghoon heard Jake panting. He's probably out of breath since they climbed a lot of stairs.

"Are you okay?" Sunghoon worriedly asked and caressed Jake's back softly.

"Y-yeah.. I c-can't breath but I'm fine" Jake said. Sunghoon's eyes widened and got more worried.

Sunghoon didn't know what to do. He carried Jake in bridal style and ran to the bench on the side and made him sit there. Sunghoon immediately opened a bottled water and gave it to Jake.

Sunghoon wiped Jake's sweat from his forehead using his handkerchief. Jake drank half of the water and placed it on the bench as he look up and closed his eyes.

"Are you okay now?" Sunghoon softly asked.

"Yeah, I am. Thank you"

"No problem. Next time that we go here, tell me if you're- wait, there's no next time. This is the first and last time we're going here"

"I'm fine, Sunghoon-ah" Jake chuckled and pinched Sunghoon's cheeks.

"You literally had trouble breathing a while ago, Jakey" Sunghoon stated. Jake were flustered by the nickname.

Sunghoon and Jake started to eat their lunch quietly. It became awkward so Sunghoon decided to open a conversation.

"Care to tell me why you had trouble breathing?" Sunghoon asked.

"I just get tired easily. It all started when I was a kid. I was playing tag with my friends and suddenly, I had trouble breathing. My parents send me to a doctor" Jake started. Sunghoon listened attentively while munching on his lunch.

"The doctor said I was okay but still need to be careful. And after that, I don't go outside anymore because I'm scared it might happen again"

"Do you take any meds or something?"

"Not really. The doctor said it wasn't necessary so I'm not drinking any meds" Jake shrugged.

"How about you? Tell some stories about you too" Jake said and looked at Sunghoon.

"I have no stories at all"

"Yea? Where do you live?"

"At a condo"

"Huh? Not in your house?"

"No, just in a condo"

"Where's your parents?"

"They disowned me" Sunghoon casually answered.


"It's fine"

"How about your other relatives?"

"I don't have any relatives left except my brother. He's here in Korea but he lives with step mom and dad. We never cut ties since he doesn't want too, I also don't want too cut ties with him as well" Sunghoon said, starting to get sad since he kinda miss his brother.

Jake felt bad and changed the topic immediately.

They spent their lunch time talking to each other while eating. They still have twenty five minutes til the class starts. They cleaned their mess first before planning to go down.

"Tell me if you're tired, okay?" Sunghoon said and offered his hand. Jake nodded as he took Sunghoon's hand and interwined their fingers.

It took time but they arrived at their floor safely without any problems.

"Here, drink some water" Sunghoon handed another bottle of water. Jake gladly took and drank it.

They entered the classroom and sat at their perspective seats. They faced each other and started another conversation.

Suddenly, a professor came inside. He clapped to get the students' attention.

"Students! Listen up!" The professor started. The whole room got quiet and listened attentively to whatever the professor is saying.

"I would like to inform you that you guys can go home now. It's first day, no works, no lectures and no pressures. Just go home and relax so you guys can prepare for tomorrow, it'll be a tiring school year especially for you students who's in last year college" The professor said and went out after biding a goodbye. The students all cheered and ran out of the classroom.

"Are you going home already after this?" Sunghoon asked as soon as they went out of the classroom.

"I actually don't know. How about you?"

"I don't know as well" Sunghoon said and chuckled.

"Maybe I'll just go home, I don't have anything to do anyways" Jake said. Sunghoon fidgeted with his fingers, thinking if he should ask Jake out. They just met today so Sunghoon is not sure.

In the end, Sunghoon didn't asked Jake.

"I think I'll go home as well" Sunghoon said and looked down.

Before they arrived at the school gate and separated ways, Jake called Sunghoon.



"May I have your number?" Jake asked and smiled. Sunghoon got shocked but managed to reply.

"A-ah *ehem* sure" Sunghoon took his phone out and gave it to Jake.

Sunghoon watched Jake who's tapping on his phone cutely. Sunghoon didn't even noticed that he's smiling a bit already.

Suddenly, Jake looked up. Sunghoon immediately changed his expression.

"Here, I already saved my number on your phone as well. Bye, Sunghoon!" Jake gave a sweet smile as he pinch Sunghoon's cheeks and walked away, leaving Sunghoon flustered.


Broken Destiny • JakeHoon • #2Where stories live. Discover now