Chapter 133

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As all the students gathered in the Great Hall, Harry hid in the middle. I walked to the front of Gryffindor and stood next to Ginny. Snape and the Carrows stood at the front of the Great Hall and Snape began to speak. "Many of you surely are wondering why I have summoned you at this hour," he began. It took every ounce of my willpower not to look behind me. To check the few rows back and make sure Harry was alright. But I knew that would be a dead giveaway. What I didn't know was what Snape was doing. Then Nathan walked in and strolled up to the front. We locked eyes and he smirked at me. Then I realized it. Snape was still playing his part. Doing whatever act he needed to do to protect Harry, to protect me. He couldn't stop, yet.

"I invite them to step forward now," Snape said. He looked at me and I shook my head. Then Harry stepped out into the open. Everyone gasped and the Carrows and Nathan drew their wands. I ran towards Harry and tried to stand in front of him. I looked at Snape with pleading eyes. "Please don't hurt him," I mouthed. He kept a straight face. "Camilla, no." Harry said sharply. But Nathan was already walking towards us. "I should have known," he spat. He walked right past Snape and grabbed my arm. "Let her go!" Harry exclaimed. I didn't fight. I let Nathan pull me away. "I should have known it was a trick, I should have let you die!" he yelled. "You probably should have," I said. He started to drag me out and I looked at Harry. He knew this needed to happen. I told him. But he was still starting to come towards us. "Harry, you promised!" I said. Then he stopped. I nodded at him before the doors shut behind us. Nathan kept walking but I stopped. "Let's go, Camilla. As much as I would like to kill you now, I have to-" he started. "Where is Draco?" I asked. He stopped and turned around slowly. He had a cruel smirk on his face. "You just can't pick one, can you? Draco, Harry, Draco, Harry. Which one is it, Camilla?" he asked as he walked closer. I backed up with every step he took. "I don't expect you to understand what it's like to love someone." I said. My back hit the wall and he towered over me. I looked up and he just smirked. "You don't even love your own sister," I said. He chuckled. "But you love me," he said. "Just tell me where Draco is. Tell me and I'll do whatever you want." I said. He sighed. "Come with me and we'll handle this business. Then I'll take you to Draco. Understood?" he asked. I sighed and nodded hesitantly. "Good, let's go," he said. "Wait-" I said. He groaned and stopped. "I want to ask you one question before we truly go to war with each other," I said. He nodded. "Ask your question, Camilla." he said. "Is there anything or anyone you love?" I asked. He paused and turned around. "I love seeing you in pain," he said calmly. Then he began to walk. I was frozen for a moment. Then I just followed him.

We began to walk towards Slytherin, then we went past it. I didn't recognize where we were. Then we arrived at a series of cages. The Dungeons. "What are we doing here?" I asked. When I turned around, Nathan was pointing his wand at me. My face fell. "Nathan, I-" I started. "Get in," he said. I tried to run but he grabbed me and threw me back. I landed on my side on the cold concrete and he slammed the door and locked it. "You should feel right at home," he said smugly. "What? Afraid to fight me and lose so you lock me in a dungeon?" I snapped. He laughed. "No. Father just has no use for you until Potter is dead." he said. My eyes filled with tears at the thought of it. "After he kills your boyfriend, he's going to drain you of your power. Then I can finally kill you," he said. "But Draco-" I started. "You'll see him soon, don't worry," he said. Then he walked off. I slammed my body against the door, I tried to pick the lock, I tried everything. But I couldn't escape. I thought all hope was lost, then I heard voices and footsteps. I hid at the very back of my cell and watched as a group of Slytherin students were forced into the dungeons. "Let us out of here, you filthy squib!" someone yelled. I'd recognize that voice anywhere, it was Pansy. Then I heard another voice. Blaise. They were talking. I walked to the front of my cell and took a breath. "Pansy," I said. The voices stopped. "Pansy, is that you?" I asked. "Riddle?" she said. "Yeah, it's Camilla. Are you ok?" I asked. Pansy wasn't the nicest of people but she didn't deserve to be shoved in the dungeons. "Why are you in a dungeon?" she asked. "I'll bet her brother shoved her in there," Blaise said. "Piss off, Zabini. She could kill you if she wanted to," Pansy said. He laughed. "She's too nice, and too scared. Isn't that right, Camilla?" he said. "Go to hell, Blaise." I snapped. "She's still mad at me," he said. "Why?" Pansy asked. He was quiet. So was I. "What did you do to her?" Pansy asked again. "I may or may not have tortured her. But her brother told me to do it, so-" he started. People started talking quietly to each other. I paused. He wasn't telling them everything. And why shouldn't they know. Why does his life get to stay intact while mine was ruined? "Is that all you want to mention, Blaise?" I asked. "Shut up, bitch" he spat. "What's going on?" someone said. I think it was Crabbe or Goyle. "Don't you want to tell them how you raped me? You were so proud of yourself then, so eager to please my brother. I can't imagine you just forgot." I said. It was dead quiet. "You- you r-raped her," a quiet voice said. I didn't know who. "Fuck off, all of you. Her brother ordered me to and it's not like it was the first time it happened to her. We all know about her and the death eaters, why am I the bad guy?" he said. Nobody spoke. "We need to get out of here, does anyone have their wand?" Pansy asked. It was quiet for a while then a small voice spoke. "Here," she said. "You had your wand the whole time?" Blaise snapped. "I didn't know-" she started. Pansy ignored him and I heard their gate open. Everyone ran out and I stood in front of mine. "Wait- help me! Please," I said. Blaise and Pansy stopped. They looked at each other with doubt. "Her brother will kill us," Pansy said. "Please, I need to find Draco. He could be-" I started. Blaise's head snapped up. "Blaise, just open it. You raped and tortured her. Open the damn gate," Pansy said. "I won't tell my brother you helped me. I swear," I said. Blaise sighed then my gate opened. I stepped out and shut it. "Thank you," I said. "Go save Draco," Pansy said. I nodded. Then I ran.

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