Chapter 88

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"I remember," she said. I froze. I could see her thinking and her eyes were closed. "Cam, what do you remember?" I asked. She opened her eyes and looked at me. "I don't know if it's real," she said. "Tell me." I said. "We were in a big room, with all the other Gryffindors. There was music playing and I think one of the teachers was giving dance lessons. We were partners and I kept stepping on your toes." she said. I laughed. "Real, that's real!" I exclaimed. I pulled her into my arms and she smiled. "Do you remember anything else?" I asked. Her face fell. "I don't think so." she said softly. I took her hands and she looked at me. "It's alright. This is a good start." I said. She nodded. "Harry," she said. "Yeah?" I replied. "When can we leave?" she asked. "Leave? Leave the hospital wing?" I replied. She nodded again. "I don't know. I don't know if it's safe for you, especially with Nathan wandering around. You remember what happened when you saw him last." I said. "I know. But I spent the last, I don't even know how long, locked in a dungeon. I mean, this place is nice, it has windows but I want to go back to school. To lessons and to my dorm. I want to be a normal student." she said. "You aren't a normal student" I said.

She sighed. "I don't want to be afraid anymore." she said. "What did you just say?" I asked. She gave me a strange look. "I said I don't want to be afraid anymore." she repeated. She's said that before. To Draco. Maybe her memory is coming back. In bits and pieces. "Why?" she asked. "Just deja vu." I said. "Oh, ok." she replied. Madame Pomfrey walked over and I decided to ask her if Camilla could leave. "She is cleared medically, but you need to check with Professor Snape." she said. "Why him?" I asked. "He's taken it upon himself to be her guardian." she said. I looked at Camilla and she had a small smile. "Can you message him please?" I asked. She nodded and left. "If you do get to leave, you need to promise me something, Camilla." I said. "What is it?" she asked. "Do not go with Nathan or Blaise or Draco. Being alone with them is dangerous. They've done things, things you don't remember." I said. She just nodded. "I promise." she said. I nodded. "Thank you" I said. Then she pressed her lips to mine.

Professor Snape just got here, followed by Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Dean and Seamus. Madame Pomfrey walked over to him and they talked for a moment. Everyone came over to Camilla's cot and Dean and Seamus started talking to her. "We are so glad you are ok." Seamus said. "We haven't seen you and nobody would tell us what happened." Dean added. I just looked at Camilla and I could tell she wanted to cry. "You don't know them, do you?" he whispered. She shook her head sadly. "Dean, Seamus, can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked. They nodded and I pulled them aside. "Is she ok?" Dean asked. "No." I said. "What's wrong with-" Seamus started. "Her father." I said. Their faces fell. "He spent the entire summer using legilimency and the cruciatus curse and other types of torture to scramble her memory." I said. Seamus's face paled and Dean looked horrified. "How is she still alive?" Seamus exclaimed. I shrugged. "The point is, she doesn't know who you are." I said. "What?" they both exclaimed. "She doesn't remember you and she already feels bad enough about it so please, just calm down." I said. They nodded. "What do we do?" Dean asked. "Just go talk to her and try to give her a memory. Like maybe a class project you did together or something. Anything she can use to jog her memory." I said. They nodded and we all walked back over. Dean and Seamus talked to her and she started to remember them. Then Snape came over and everyone stopped talking.

"Listen closely everyone. Camilla is going to be released from the hospital wing and allowed to return to lessons but-" he started. Ginny cheered and Hermione clapped her hands. I couldn't help but smile. "Wait..." he said. We all stopped. "There are conditions," he said. "What kind of conditions?" Harry asked. "Camilla is in an incredibly fragile state right now. We have no idea how or when memories will come back to her. We also have no idea how it will affect her magic, or her in general when they do." he said. "Like how Harry lost control of his magic and blew up his Aunt?" Ron asked. Hermione elbowed him and Snape rolled his eyes. "Yes, but it could also affect her in different ways. We just won't know until it happens." he said. We all nodded. "Because of this, Camilla, you will need to check in with Madame Pomfrey daily so she can run a diagnostic." he said. "But I'm fine," she said. "A majority of your injuries have healed enough but there is still some internal damage that needs to be kept an eye on," he said. I felt sick as I knew exactly what that meant. She was raped so many times it caused internal damage. I wanted to kill her brother and her father. "And as you all know, Nathan is still here so-" Snape started. "How the fuck is he still here?!" Seamus exclaimed. "He tried to kill her, we all saw it." Dean added. "I'm aware. And I spoke to Dumbledore but he refused to expel him." he said. "Why?" Ginny asked. Snape just narrowed his eyes. "I don't think it's safe for Camilla to be out wandering around school with Nathan being a potential threat." Snape continued. "Especially since we don't know how he managed to compel her last time." I added. He just nodded. "That's why I've asked you all here," he said. Everyone exchanged looks of confusion. "You all care for Camilla and are her closest friends, correct?" he asked. Camilla was staring at the blanket. I nudged her and she looked up quickly. "Yes, I trust them, I think." she said, looking at me. I nodded. "I would like to ask that you all stick to a buddy system of sorts." he said. "What is that?" Ron asked. "I want at least one of you to stay with Camilla at all times. You don't need to be glued to her side but be there just in case. Can I ask that of you?" he asked. We all nodded. "We've got her, Sir." I said. He nodded. "Is that ok, Camilla?" he asked. Again, she was zoned out. I nudged her again and she nodded. "Yes, thank you." she said. He nodded and left. "You guys can head to the dorms, Camilla and I will head there in a second." I said. They nodded and left. I lifted Camilla's chin and she looked at me. I could see the tears in her eyes. "What's wrong?" I asked. "My brother, Nathan. Why- why does he hate me? What did I do to him?" she asked. "Camilla, listen to me-" I started. "I keep trying to remember if I hurt him or did something but I can't remember. I just remember him hating me." she said. I sighed and pulled her into my arms. "He hates you because he doesn't know how to love. It's not your fault." I said. She just nodded. I don't know if she believes me but I hope she does.

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