Chapter 107

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"It's time," a voice said. I was sleeping on the chair next to Draco's cot when I heard the voice. I opened my eyes and Draco was standing up and pulling on his black blazer. Then I saw them. Nathan and Blaise were there too. I immediately stood up. "Where are you going? You still need to heal." I said. "I'm fine." Draco mumbled. "You can't leave." I said. He said nothing. I turned to Nathan. "Please, Nathan. He's still hurt." I said. Nathan just scoffed. "Too bad. He has a job to do." he said. My face fell and I turned back to Draco. "What are you-" I started. "Don't." he said. I stopped. "Don't make me lie to you." he said quietly. I shook my head. "I'm coming too." I said to Nathan. He smirked. "Really?" he said smugly. "NO!" Draco exclaimed. I just stared at Nathan. "No. She is not coming with us. Please, Nathan. I've done what you asked. And now I'm doing this." he said. Nathan just laughed. "I suppose it would be fun for our dear Camilla to watch this happen," he said. Then he turned on his heel and started to walk out. Blaise followed and so did I. Draco sighed and began to walk too. "Please don't do this, Camilla." Draco said as we walked. "Where are we going?" I asked. "Please. Please go back to Gryffindor. Go straight to Potter's dorm and stay there with him until it's over." he said. "Until what's over?" I asked. He sighed and looked at me. "I never wanted any of this," he said quietly. I nodded. "Draco, what's happening tonight?" I asked. He just shook his head and we kept walking. Eventually, we got to the Astronomy Tower and we began to climb the stairs. "Remember what's at stake, Draco" Nathan whispered as we reached the deck. Then I saw him and it all made sense. Dumbledore.

They were going to kill him. He turned around and his face was blank. "Hello children," he said calmly. I had to do something. I couldn't stop them from killing Cedric but I can stop this. "Sir, you need to go! Nathan is going to kill you! You have to leave!" I yelled. Nathan nodded at Blaise and he grabbed me. He held my arms behind my back and clamped his hand over my mouth. I screamed and struggled but it was no use. Dumbledore just stood there. "That's where you're wrong, dear sister. I'm not going to kill him." he said. My face fell as Draco drew his wand and pointed it at Dumbledore. "He is," Nathan said with an evil grin. "Draco, you are no assassin." Dumbledore said. "I'll be whatever I have to be for her," he said. Tears fell to my cheeks and I tried to get free from Blaise's arms. "Ah yes, Camilla is a very special girl. But are you really willing to throw your life away for her?" he asked. "She is my life." he said. "But she isn't. She loves Harry." Dumbledore said. "Maybe so. But I love her. And that's enough." he said. "Fucking hell, enough with the sappy love story. Kill him Draco. Or 2 people die tonight." Nathan said. I felt ill. He was going to kill Draco if he didn't do this. "Then let me make it easy for you," Dumbledore said as he drew his wand. "Expelliarmus-" Draco said. Then the wand went flying and clattered against the floor. "Don't you understand? I have to do this, I have to kill you..." Draco said. Then he looked at me and back to Dumbledore. "Or he's going to kill her," he said. Then it hit me like a hundred blows to the chest. Draco wasn't doing this to save his life. He was doing it to protect me. To save my life.
Of course he was.

"Do it, Draco." Nathan said. He did nothing. "Now!" Nathan yelled. "No," a voice said. I turned my head and Snape was there. He had his wand drawn and Nathan smirked. "Why am I not surprised?" he spat. Snape said nothing. "Come to save my dear sister again?" he taunted. Snape ignored him. Then he turned and his wand was pointed at Dumbledore. "Oh shit-" Blaise mumbled. "No! No, don't!" I screamed against Blaises's hand. Draco's face fell. "Severus...please" Dumbledore said. My heart was racing a million miles a minute. "Snape, what are you doing?" Nathan said. Then it happened. It was over before it started. He was gone.
"Avada Kedavra!" Snape said. A green light flashed and Dumbledore was struck. He went tumbling back over the railing and plummeting to his death. "No!" I screamed. Due to Blaise's shock, I was able to rip myself from his grasp. I ran to the railing and watched our headmaster's body hit the ground with a sickening crack. I squeezed my eyes shut and whipped around.
I locked eyes with Snape and I could decrypt the look on his face. Tears hit my cheeks and I shook my head. "Why? He trusted you. I trusted you." I said. "Camilla I-" he started. Then I heard footsteps coming to the deck and I saw Harry. "Traitor!" he screamed. Harry started firing curses and Snape looked at me one last time before apparating away. And just like that, we lost.

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