Chapter 19

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For just a moment, I was relieved the torture ended. Then I saw why. I looked up and Cedric was there. "Cedric no" I said. "What the hell!" Cedric yelled. He ran over and knelt down next to me. "Your necklace is charmed to warn me if you're in danger" he whispered. He stood up with his wand drawn. Nathan, Blaise and Draco stood pointing their wands at him.  "That's your sister. And you're beating her up? Are you insane?" he yelled. "She's my sister, sadly yes. But I can do whatever I want to her. Get out of here or your next." Nathan said. "No!" I said weakly. I tried to stand but I couldn't. "You said Pick. Me or him. I picked. I picked me. Leave him alone." I said crying. Nathan laughed. "You did this to her because of us. Because we're dating?" he asked. Shit. "What? You're dating. Wow Camilla, what happened to just one night" Nathan said. "Please Nathan don't hurt him, I love him. Please just let me have one thing. One thing. You've destroyed everything else. Let me have this." I begged. Nathan looked at me smugly. "Crucio" I waited for the pain but this time the screams weren't my own. I opened my eyes and Cedric was thrashing on the ground. He was screaming in pain. I crawled over to him and tried to hold him. My entire body was in pain but I didn't care. "Stop please Nathan." I begged. "It's almost curfew, we can't get caught" Blaise whispered. Finally he broke the torture on Cedric. Cedric was shaking on the floor barely conscious. Nathan grabbed my throat and squeezed it tightly. "If you ever see him again, I will kill him with my bare hands in the most painful way I can," he said. He gripped my throat tighter. "Do you understand?" he asked. I nodded. "Deal with this. I'm leaving. I can't stand to look at her." he said. Blaise and Draco walked over. "I got this mate, you go ahead." Draco said. Blaise just shrugged and walked out. I was crying on Cedric's chest. Blood poured from the cuts on my face. I had a black eye and a split lip. My ribs were surely broken. I hurt everytime I took a breath. "Camilla I-" Draco started. I stood and pain shot through my entire body as I faced him. He looked guilty. I smacked him across the face. "How could you!" I cried. I pounded my fists on his chest trying to hurt him in any way I could. "Cam I didn't know. He said he wouldn't hurt you." he said. "And you believed him?! You knew. Just admit it." I yelled. "No I-" he started. "Just admit it. You knew he would hurt-" I started. "No!" he yelled. I tried to hit him again but the pain overwhelmed me. I fell down but he caught me. "I thought he would hurt Cedric. Just rough him up a bit. So he would stay away from you. Not this. I didn't know..." he trailed off. My eyes watered. "Why? Why can't I be with Cedric?" I asked. He just looked at me. "Let me heal you," he said. I was too in shock so I just nodded. I laid down and he healed me as best he could. Cedric started to wake up. "He can't remember this. Any of it." I said. Draco looked at me startled. "We have to... we have to obliviate him." I said choking back tears. I pulled my wand and pointed it at him. "I have to erase all of it." I said. My voice cracked and a tear fell. "You mean-" he started. "Yes. I mean all of it. He can't remember any of it. It's not safe for him... I'm not safe for him." I said quietly. I knelt down next to Cedric and kissed him gently. "I'm so sorry. I love you. I want you to know you were my first love. The first person I ever loved. The first person who loved me. I wish we had more time. I wish I could leave you our memories. But it's not safe. One day, maybe I can tell you about us. One day." I whispered. I kissed him again and stood up. I wiped my tears and pointed my wand at him with a shaking hand. I opened my mouth to speak but I couldn't do it. Draco took my hand and lowered my wand. "It's ok. I'll do it." he said. I turned around and stared at the blank wall. "Obliviate" I heard him whisper. "Woah, where am I?" I heard Cedric's voice. "Bro, get out of here. It's a Slytherin prefect bathroom not Hufflepuff" Draco said. "Sorry" he said and walked out. He was gone. Forever. A few seconds later Draco placed his hand on my shoulder softly. "It's done." he said. I pulled away. "Camilla, please. I didn't-" he started. I pushed him back. "I loved him. I loved him and he loved me. The first person to ever love me. For real. You took that away from me!" I yelled. I tried to hit his chest again. "Why! Tell me why!" I yelled. Suddenly, he grabbed both my wrists and pulled me into him. Our lips were inches apart. He looked deep into my eyes. Then he smashed his lips onto mine. He tasted like mint and green apples. I melted at his touch. But then I pulled away as I realized who he was. I stared at him. "I will never forgive you for this." I said. "I'm sorry Riddle." he said and he walked out of the bathroom. I collapsed on the floor and cried. So this is what heartbreak feels like. I guess I never knew because there was never love there before.

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