Chapter 33

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It's about one month into summer and things have actually been good. Aside from nightmares I started having about that night at the graveyard. I have to silence my bedroom every night so I don't wake everyone else up when I wake up screaming.

Draco and I write to each other every week. We talk about books, magic, stuff like that. We don't talk about death eaters, or my father or anything like that. He tried to ask me questions about things but I just wouldn't answer them. He got the message pretty quickly. I know it's strange but I miss him. I know, it's crazy.

Nathan is still mad all the time. He mostly just stays in his room. I don't try to talk to him. I don't know what to say and I don't know what he'll say. It's better if we just keep our distance. Otherwise, I actually really enjoy staying with Snape. Diana is the most wonderful woman I've ever met. She is teaching me piano and we bake together. She has taught me how to make the chocolate cake and I even made it all by myself one night. As for Professor Snape, he is actually a lot nicer than people think. He doesn't talk much to me but he acts different than at school. Our lessons in Potions are going really well. Every Friday, he works with me for about an hour. We either brew a potion or go over ingredients and their purposes, and things like that. He said I'm really improving and should be proud. He said I might even knock Hermione out of top spot next year. I doubt that but it was nice to hear. I wasn't used to people caring this much.

I was sitting in my room reading one of Snape's books called The Pearl by John Steinbeck. It was really good. Then I heard a knock on my door and Nathan walked in. I closed my book and looked at him with surprise. "What's wrong?" I asked. He sat on the edge of the bed. "When it comes time and father needs us to serve him, are you going to do it?" he asked. I sat next to him. "Why?" I asked. "Just answer the question." he said sharply. "No. You may be loyal to him but I'm not." I said. "You have the mark. You are a death eater whether you like it or not." he said. "I never wanted any of this. Don't you remember, you held me down while he did it. I begged you to let me go. If you had let me go, you could have been alone. You wouldn't have to deal with me, you could be fathers second like you so desperately want. But no, now I'm marked forever and it's your fault." I said. He laughed. "You should be honored-" he started. "Well I'm not." I said cutting him off. "How do you think father will feel when he finds out you aren't loyal to him?" he asked standing up. "I don't care. I am safe here. Then I go to Hogwarts. He can't hurt me." I said. I wasn't sure I believed that but I said it anyway. Nathan smiled at me. "I can," he said. "Do it then." I said. He stood there. "Go ahead, hurt me. That's all you've ever done. But just know the second you do, Snape or Diana is going to come in here and stop you." I said. He looked at me smugly. "You really think they can keep you safe," he said. "Yes." I said. Again, I wasn't sure how safe they could keep me but I was done letting Nathan scare me. Or at least letting him know he scares me. "Good to know." he said. Then he turned around and walked out. I sat back on the bed and sighed loudly. Why can't he just leave me alone? I got his message on the first night we were here. Ever since then, I've left him alone. Why does he insist on tormenting me? I'm sick of it. I should hate him and I want to. But he's still my brother. I can't.


Camilla is on my last nerve. I am so sick of her fucking moral compass and false Gryffindor bravery. I know I scare her but she likes to pretend I don't. I could kill her if I wanted to. Everytime we sit down or a meal and she smiles and laughs while she talks to Diana or works on Potions with Snape or does some other stupid childish activity, I want to scream. We are the Dark Lords children. We are death eaters. The youngest ones ever. We should be working for our father right now. Helping him build up his armies. I was supposed to be his second. But instead, I'm stuck in Snapes stupid house. And now, Camilla is saying she isn't loyal to our father, as if she has a choice. She thinks she is safe here and I would do anything to show her how wrong she is. Just as that thought crossed my mind, an idea popped into my brain. I grabbed some parchment, a quill, and some ink. Then I wrote out a letter to my father...

Dear Father,

Hello. I know you are very busy so I'll get right to the point. Camilla has gotten a very twisted idea in her head. She believes her safety has been guaranteed now that Dumbledore is helping us. Pathetic. She thinks she doesn't have to serve you and she refuses to be loyal. I have tried to talk to her but she is beyond reason. I cannot punish her here under Snape's watch. I was hoping you could spare the time to come here and show her that she is not as untouchable as she may think. Thank you father. I hope to see you soon.


Let's see how safe she is when father gets my letter. This should be exciting.

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