Chapter 18

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'Hello Irene Smith, you have been accepted to become an Idol in SM Entertainment, you will be a singer of your own and will have your own studio where you can work by yourself, more information will be provided to you at 9 September 2014'....

After reading that whole email, I couldn't help but squeal! I wasn't going to be in a group but that was fine, I was never good with teamwork! I would gave to think of a name like J-Hope and Rap Monster!

"Did you get in!" Da-Sae asked excitedly on the phone and I quickly explained everything to her. She was so happy for me. We decided to think of a singers name and we came up with 'Divine' or 'Enkai'...

Tomorrow was the day that BTS were coming back from their trip and the interview was great, my manager was a nice woman and she wasn't from here too, American.

She was kind of strict, saying that I would have to debut with a song in this month or it wasn't going to work so that's what I did, not getting a wink of sleep and my floor being filled with scrunched written on sheets. 

It was better working with someone so you could share ideas but now I feel like losing the plot! This was more stressful than doing GCSE Art! I think I can understand when people say they cry themselves to sleep every night!..

"Irene! Did you miss me!" Jungkook insisted loudly, running over to me as soon as they arrived at the airport, holding a pink bunny in his hands.

The screaming made me feel faint and stumble a little backwards until when a  hand firmly set on my back, preventing me to fall.

It was Hoseok, he was having a worried look on and I thinking why, until I realised I was leaning against him! I quickly stood straight and apologised before turning to the other and saw they looked worried too.

"Irene, are you feeling alright," Namjoon asked concernedly, going to touch my forehead but I quickly swatted his hand away.

"Yeah yeah! I'm fine! I've just been working on my debut song," I said quickly before regretting after. Manager Sialinda said to not tell anyone about that.

"What debut song," Namjoon questioned suspiciously and I had to choice but to tell them and fortunately they said they would keep it a secret.

As a car came to pick us up, Jungkook and Taehyung started to talk about this girl that they met, who gave Jungkook the pink bunny and what happened in their time in LA.

Sometimes the rest would join in if some details were removed but there was one person who didn't bother to join in at all, putting his whole concentration on staring at the window.

"Hoseok, are you okay," I asked uneasily, seeing Hobi look at me with a confused look.

"I think I should ask you that, you took a bit of a tumble before," Hoseok answered, not letting the fact that I said I was okay....

Back To Your Past ♒ J. HSDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora