Chapter 16

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"You must be Irene Smith! I heard you met BTS! You're so cool!" Some girls wearing some school uniform came over as I was taking Tina for a walk in the park. It had been a week since Ethan came to visit me and Hobi hasn't been answering my calls after last time, it was until Namjoon call and said they were heading to America soon.

"Yeah, I am," I answered back, sitting on the benches nearby and the girls squealed harder that it almost made me deaf. I literally had to stop myself from yelling at them to shut up, one of the things that happens when I get no sleep is that I get cranky.

After the girls left with their questions answered, I started to think of my 'mission'. How am I going to finish my task if they're going to be gone for two weeks in the different continent! I'm going to be here until next year!

Suddenly the phone rang and my mind went to the hospital, that Serena woke and was healthy but it wasn't, it was a man with a broad voice.

"Is this Irene Smith?" The man questioned and I looked confused. How did this guy get my number and know my name!

"Yes it is, who are you?" I replied suspiciously, thinking it was some pervert since it didn't say any name.

"I am Lee Soo-man, the CEO of SM Entertainment, I heard your song with the collaboration of BTS's leader, Kim Namjoon, am I right?" My man who was called Lee Soo-man answered on the phone and I felt so embarrassed!

"Ye- Yes I am, Lee Soo-man Nim!" I responded politely, finding my heart beating faster from either embarrassment or nervousness. Why is the CEO of SM Entertainment on the phone with me?

"I want to give you a place for an audition in SM Entertainment, I think your voice and talent shouldn't be waisted like that,"

An audition from SM Entertainment? Am I dreaming again? That was the same company that Red Velvet got managed from.

"So are you going to try it out," Lee Soo-man asked and I almost forgot he was on the phone with me.

"Oh, yes! I'll try it out!" I replied clearly and afterwards Lee Soo-man gave me the date and time for the audition. When I hanged up, I decided to pinch myself.

Nothing changed. I was still in the park with Tina sleeping on my lap and Serena was in the hospital, furthermore now I'm going to be an auditioner for one of the biggest companies in South Korea!

"Serena! You won't believe what happened to me when you were sleeping," I said to Serena, well knowing that she wasn't going to answer me back. The doctor did confirm that she would in a come but it wouldn't last long. How long is long anyways. A few days, few months or maybe a year!

Hey guys! So Irene is going to be an idol! Anyways bye!!

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