Chapter 10

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"So I can believe that the fan meeting was successful," Serena asked as soon as I opened the door. Taking Namjoon's note out of my pocket, I started squealing with joy and soon after Serena joined in with Tina barking happily.

Showing the number, Serena dared me to try and ring it but I could never, though it was until five days later that it actually did happened...

School had been really stressful with the final exam, which was that we had to make our own original song and it was really getting on my nerves. As a result, I decided to call the only person available at the time.

"Hello, who is it?" Namjoon questioned politely as there was noise in the background and footsteps was then heard and the sound became distant after I replied with a small 'hello'.

"Is this Irene Smith!" Namjoon asked happily, trying not to sound excited but failed hard, I giggled at the hopeful male.

"Yes it is Namjoon," I finally answered, sitting on my bed and was listening to the loud ruckus on the other line.

"Um hello, is there a problem?" Namjoon asked politely even though I thought we were friends after the meeting.

"Sorry for bothering you but I had an assessment to make up a song and I was wondering if you could help," I said shyly.

"Oh! If that's the problem, sure! I can help!" Namjoon replied confidently, clicking the video call and eventually I accepted it. We talked for a while about the song and sometimes about the members playing their favourite game.

It had been eight o'clock when Namjoon was called for dinner by Jin and we decided to call it a day with the name of the title for the song called 'Back To Your Past'...

Namjoon's POV

"Namjoon! Dinner is ready!" Jin yelled from the kitchen as I said goodbye to Irene on the phone. Heading to the living room which was connected to the kitchen, I saw Jungkook and Hobi was watching our previous fan meeting.

Jungkook's eyes sparkled at when the TV showed Irene with the all of the members and Hobi's eyes was glued to the TV too.

"So who were you talking to in your room," Jin asked but I quickly shook my head and made an excuse. One promise we made was not to tell the members about it.

We both looked over where we heard tiny giggles to see Hobi covering up Jimin and Jungkook, who were cuddling on the sofa, with that exact teddy bear.

Sneakily, I took a picture of them and was going to sent it to someone later. Dinner was then prepared and we all started to eat.

"Jimin, did you get a good nap," I asked gently as Jimin still felt uneasy around me but unexpectedly Jimin gave a quick nod.

"The teddy bear helped a lot, where did you get it from?" Jimin asked honesty and Jungkook had to repeat that it was from the girl that gave him that chick, which was still in his room. You don't know how much you've changed this group, Irene Smith....

Back To Your Past ♒ J. HSWhere stories live. Discover now