Chapter 2

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Everything I use here is mine, as I made everything and everything is made up for your entertainment.

"Now run along and don't get into any trouble again," The Principal declared and I walked out with my head held down.

"Bestie, did something happen with the Principal," Sa-Dae asked but I just shook my head, walking out of the school gates as it started raining fast.

I just want to help people with their confidence. I just wanted to be a pillar of strength to be reliable and supportive. I just wanted to be someone like Hobi.

"Daughter! We got the phone call from your Principal and we are not happy, we are very disappointed at you!" Mother shrieked from the phone and into my ear, striking my confidence down bit by bit at every word that was mention.

The phone call ended half an hour later and I was a crying mess, this must have been a dream! I lost my respect and reputation, I lost my affection from mom and dad and now I was at the lowest point.

It had been midnight and a beep from my phone woke me up from my misery and as I stretched my hand over to the table to get it, I saw it was a message from Sa-Dae.


Bestie! Check Hobi's Weverse's account! It's important!


What do you mean Sa-Dae, I just woke up


Just check! Quick!

I sighed, getting off Messages and going to Weverse, seeing there was actually a message from Hobi, it said 'Happy Birthday to me! I am so blessed to be part of this group and I'll never forget this moment!'

A picture was attached to that and it had all of the members in with Hobi at the front, holding a birthday cake. He had the biggest smile on, having the opposite emotion I was feeling right now.

I wiped away my tears and stood up in the messy bed, grabbing for my Mang doll that Sa-Dae got me for my birthday and cuddling it tight as my last resort for comfort.

"I can't believe I didn't know it was Hobi's birthday," I muttered grumpily, looking at the comments as everyone commented happy birthday.


Thanks Sa-Dae, I feel better now


Thank goodness, you looked too depressed for my liking and I was trying to tell you before but you didn't listen to me!


Sorry! I'll make it up to you tomorrow! Let's just get some sleep for school.


Okay! Buy me something nice! Goodnight Irene!

Afterwards I was scrolling through YouTube when a video caught my eye, a video of Hobi but it was when it was 2014. The video was about Hobi saying that nobody ever came to his live, it was sad really.

"If I could go back in time, I would want to see how Hobi dealt with hate before he got recognised," I muttered curiously, cuddling Mang closer as I fell asleep, not knowing that time was like a whirlpool...

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