| Chapter 15

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The Chestnut Festival

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The Chestnut Festival. I never knew why. There had to have been some sort of history attached to Harmony I never knew about to bring to the event. Or even some sort of folklore. Still, as Brian pulled into the park's public parking lot, I had to smile. At night, the festival made that simple park look like heaven.

While Brian pulled the key out of the car's ignition, I pulled my phone out of my pocket. My first instinct was to call Jun, only to see I had a missed call from him already. I blinked, wondering how I'd missed the call. But when Brian touched my hand, I remembered and giggled.

"Let me call Jun really fast," I said as I tapped the video call button on my phone. "He tried to call earlier."

"Ah." Suddenly, Brian looked awkward. As if there was something he should've said, but didn't say; I knew that look. He'd done it plenty of times at the shop.

As the phone in my hand tried to connect, I looked at Brian, blinking. "What did I miss?"

"Um." Brian placed both of his hands on the steering wheel, gaze focused outside the window. A group of people passed by the side of the car, laughing excitedly. A small child hurried after them. Brian seemed to watch them before looking back at me, ready to say what was on his mind.

But my phone call connected and Jun's video feed appeared on the screen.

Quickly looking back at the phone, I smiled at my brother's awkward expression. "Hey, bro, sorry I missed your call," I said, wiggling my fingers. "Are you coming to the festival?"

"You're there, aren't you?" Jun tried to see what was around me. "Are you still in the car? Brian there with you?"

Brian, hearing his name, shifted over from the driver's seat to the passenger side. He gave Jun an awkward wave on the phone. "Hey, Jun," he said.

Jun lowered his head, and chuckled quietly, before sighing. "Oh man, she really talked you into this festival."

"Hey, hey, hey." Pulling my phone closer to my face, I scrunched my nose and hoped he could see my sad expression. "You said you'd be here and we'd talk, right? You said you wouldn't fight me."

"I know, I know." Jun lifted one hand defensively. "That's what I said."

"Okay." Rapidly, I blinked and batted my lashes. "So, are you on your way?"

He wasn't. I could see the motel room still around him. Pillows were propped up behind his back. Not to mention he wasn't wearing a shirt. "Jun..." I grumbled, disappointed.

"Okay, fine, you're right." Jun sat up, stretching. "I said I wouldn't fight you and I know you loved this fest thing so much so..." His hand slid over his face before his camera feed shifted around, becoming unclear and blurry. When it finally fixed itself, Jun had moved from the bed over towards the bathroom. I could see him clearly as he flipped the light switch on. "I'll meet you guys there. Let me take a quick shower and change, okay?"

My frown changed into a smile. "Okay."

"And grab me some funnel cake, okay?" Jun glanced back at the camera before waving. But before I could say yes or no, he hung up the call.

I had to laugh as I placed my phone on my lap. "I guess we got to get him some funnel cake then."

"Who can say no to that, huh?" Brian laughed, placing his hand on his side door. He moved to push it open it, but I quickly grabbed his arm. With the door partly opened and his foot stepping out into the parking lot, he looked at me. "Aren't we going to the festival?"

I blinked at him. "What were you going to say?"

"When?" He blinked back.

"Ah," I lifted my brows and laughed, "before Jun got on the phone. You looked like you were going to say something. Did I miss something? You were going to tell me, right?"

Brian put his foot back in the car. Closing the door was next. When he placed his hand on mine, he opened his mouth to speak, but my phone buzzed in my hand again. Both of us looked at the screen. He let out a nervous chuckle. "Maybe you should answer that one, hm?"

Mom flashed on the screen. I almost groaned. Would it be wrong to say I'd forgotten about dinner? No, but it would be a lie, that was for sure. I hadn't forgotten. I just... wanted to see the festival instead.

"Go on." Brian nudged me. "Or she'll keep calling."

"You're right." I sighed, slowly lifting my phone to my ear. "You're so right."

With my thumb, I pressed the green button to accept her call. After the weird first day of arriving at Harmony, I thought my mother would be emotional, stressed, or even frantic because neither Jun nor I went to her house yet.

Instead, I heard happiness on the other line. Laughter. "Nena," my mother chimed on the other line, "are you and your brother on your way? Will you bring Brian again?"

My jaw dropped slightly. I had to admit, from yesterday until now, despite the usual this doesn't make any sense behavior, her kindness, and understanding continued to take me off guard. The way she answered the phone was so... not her usual self. It made me smile.

"Not yet, ma," I said as I looked at Brian. "We actually stepped at the festival for a little. You remember the one you and pa used to take us to all the time as kids?"

"Oh, yes! That is this weekend, isn't it?" my mother laughed. The rustling on the other line, I thought she shook her head. "How did I forget that?"

"Happens every year, ma," I said, smiling, as I looked over at Brian.

He has a soft smile on his face, too. As if he didn't want to interrupt the phone call, he mouthed, 'everything okay?'

To him, I nodded. But to my mother, I said, "But we're here, so... we may be an hour or so? If that's okay. Sorry if we're late!"

This was when my mother took me for a surprise. I always remembered when Jun or I would suddenly change plans on whatever my parents had thought of, and they would be livid. It would be an argument, a "you're not going anywhere," type of thing.

This time, my mother said, "Oh, don't worry!"

I blinked and bit the insides of my cheek. What?

"Dinner won't be ready for another hour, anyway. I just wanted to make sure you three were still coming."

I had to smile. Maybe tonight wouldn't be all that bad after all. A trip to my favorite childhood festival, and a nice dinner with my parents. Then, maybe my mother could tell us what she needed to say without stress. And maybe, just maybe, Mario being there yesterday was just a fluke because he had been with my dad that morning.

With that thought in mind, I nodded, smiled, and said, "We'll be there, mom. Don't worry. I'll see you at dinner."

"Okay, nena," my mother said on the other line, "love you."

For the first time in a long time, I didn't hang up on her. I didn't cut her off. With the same smile on my face, I listened until the very end. And respond, "Love you, too, ma."

As the call ended and I looked back at Brian, his brows were lifted and his smile had widened. It was mixed; a little happiness, a little confusion. And he said, "I guess we're not going to leave after this, huh?"

Sighing through a smile, I shook my head. "I don't think so. It doesn't sound like Mario will be there, so—"

"Welp, if he's not going to be there, then," Brian pushed open his door, stepped outside, and hurried over to my door where he pulled it open and extended his hand, "shall we attend the festivities, miss?"

The sudden movement was cute and funny, and I had to laugh. I let him take my hand as he guided me out of the car. "Yes, let's."


[Thank you for reading!]

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