Old Man Myers x Reader headcanon

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•To start on a lighter note, Michael experiences unwieldy soreness in his weathered joints now that he has grown old. During the hunt, during the times when the "shape" is the sole master of him- the pain is absent..but when he comes home to you, it slowly creeps into him. Despite assuming that this would put him into a sour mood as it would most people, the sensation seems to lull Michael into a subdued trance on certain days. The satisfaction of having you care for him during these times makes the soreness irrelevant. Even if it's something simple like insisting that he take some type of pain reliever, or maybe even just disregarding your plans for the day to stay inside with him and lounge about..it makes that shriveled little heart of his melt.

•Keep the damn icyhot to yourself tho

•Loves if you read to him during those times. He'll even lay across your lap..just watch it, he dozes off easy.

•Old Man Michael likes to read too and wears reading glasses and you cannot convince me otherwise. Good luck getting him to be the one to read to you though...

•On less than stellar days, sometimes you'll find your killer staring silently out of the window. Whatever he sees, you have no clue. The only solace you receive during these times is the way his body relaxes whenever you stand beside him and look out as well. Do you see it too? Do you feel what he feels as well?


•Enjoys silent mornings with you, just sitting out on the back porch with a cup of horridly bitter coffee and a pleasant October breeze blowing by..just the way he likes it.

•As picturesque as this all sounds, let's still not forget that his old age has done nothing to tame him.

•Michael in many ways is just like his younger self. His fascination..no..his attachment to you extends to him receiving pleasure just from observing your everyday life when you think he isn't around. Even if he knows you better than you know yourself by now, he still enjoys watching your little everyday "quirks" and rituals. What's funny is that he gets the sneaking suspicion that you know he is watching..oh well.

•But, in most many ways- he is still the bastard we all know.

•Now let's get down to the sinning.

•Let this man figure out you have a daddy kink. It doesn't really do much for him personally, but being able to make you turn red from embarrassment as you beg for him - having to call him "daddy" to get him to even budge- to ruin you? Oh, that does plenty.

•Careful with that sweet silver scruff of his, stuff burns like fire against your thighs with how vigorous he gives you head..provided he is in the mood for such things.

•Surprisingly starts taking more of a liking towards slow sex when he's calmed down. He still likes the teasing aspect, and by all means- he can be rough still- but preference wise? Old Man Mike just really enjoys lazy, half asleep, morning sex.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2021 ⏰

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