Myers affection headcanons

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I think we can all agree that he isn't exactly the best at showing his least at first. Well, no matter what he isn't exactly the most adept in showing love.

At first, Myer's affection would be displayed through small gestures such as, strangely enough, gifts. Now, don't expect any elaborate presents but a piece of jewelry he found? You betcha.

I firmly believe that for him to consider you to be his significant other, he has a deep connection to you already. It may have started with his "obsession" and just went from there, but for you to be able to get through to him and not either a, be terrified and scream or b, wind up dead? Well let's just say that your bond with him is stronger than Kevlar. He's well aware of that.

Does stalking you count as loving affection? If so, best boyfriend ever. He'll tell himself that it's just to make sure that you're safe but..that can only go so far, he eventually finds himself watching you almost every time that he isn't on the "hunt".

I have a theory that during his time in Smith's Grove, Michael learned to write. Especially considering his selective mutism and his self evident intelligence. That being said, Michael often times leaves you little notes that are surprisingly..sweet. Even if it's just to let you know that he's going to be out for a while, he'll scrabble what vaguely looks like a heart (hyper realistic one at that) as his signing.

Physical contact is iffy with him at first, but he quickly realizes that he rather likes it. So soon enough, he'll come around and start off by doing simple thing like- resting his head on top of your own. Don't worry, he progresses relatively fast and is up for experimenting new things- so before you know it, he'll actually start beckoning you over to lay on him and stuff like that.

You're going to have to teach him things like kissing and sex, but like said, he learns quick. Besides- it's not an entirely bad thing, just picture it, the big bad boogeyman sitting down, allowing you to show him the ropes as you giggle, lips delicately moving together in spite of his rough and forceful nature. He might even "accidentally" nip you, but that's a part of the fun.

Oh yeah, his major way of showing affection is exposing his face to you. It's basically, in his mind, the equivalent of showing his heart to you. Your reaction to his initial reveal is crucial to setting the tone of your relationship.

Michael decides that physical contact is probably his favourite. Actions have always been his driving force, so once he gets "good" at the whole thing, you can bet your ass that Michael will be sliding that mask off as soon as he gets home and hunting you down just for a small smooch.

If it mains anything, he's an excellent listener- and for you, he'll listen to all your problems. He may not offer any genius solutions, but he'll listen.

Another thing to consider, Michael will actually begin to speak around you. He might have a little trouble in doing so at first, but he'll do it. You mean that much to him.

He makes a genuine effort to learn what you like. It can even be as small as figuring out what you like to eat the most and coming back home from a successful kill with said snack in his possession. Really, Michael knows you better than you know yourself at times.

Oh, and there's sex. Like mentioned, it's a learning curve at first but- he likes it, no, he more like- loves it.

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