Valentine's Day general celebration headcanons

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•Little memories of his early internment years flashed through his mind once he saw the red and pinks of the holiday- he never cared for it. He couldn't ever remember a time that he did.

•However..he had you now.

•I wouldn't expect a dozen roses and a heart-shaped box of chocolates..honestly, don't expect much of the sort actually.

•At first the whole notion of Valentine's Day festivities didn't have much appeal to him at all- but as I've previously mentioned- he has you now.

•After given it a whole lot of thought, Michael decided- or at least a strange inner voice- that it would be best if he emulated some of those raunchy romcoms he had observed you binge watching.

•Given that the two of you are in a long standing relationship and have that sweet mutual trust, he'll grace you with a "Maskless Mikey" when you come home Valentine's Day night. Later on he'd present you with a car she made himself- but the more traditional "activities" commence whenever he gets you up to the bedroom. For whatever reason, he'll be damn gentle with you tonight.

RZ! Michael Myers:

•This is maybe where he and his OG counterpart difference the most!

•As soon as the opportunity to get all "arts and craftsy" presets itself, Michael is on that shit like white on rice. Especially if it means he can make something for his precious "permanent obsession".

•For the longest, he won't let on at all that he has special plans- but it all comes to light after the two of you are bundled up watching a movie and he abruptly got up.

•"Really? I'm not pausing the movie Mike!" "...." "Fine, but hurry up."

•He didn't hurry.

•The wait was well worth it though. Whenever your tall, lumbering boyfriend came back- his large arms were filled with a variety of paper made crafts. All of which consisted of Valentine's Day style decoration

•Who knew he'd care so much? You did. You knew he would.

Pyramid Head:

•Congrats, you've now made yourself a cultural teacher. Basically what I'm saying is that Pyramid Head has no idea what the hell "Valentine's Day" is.

•Luckily for you, he is a strikingly receptive individual.

•The actual holiday itself isn't likely to be too much of a fuss- but that isn't to say he won't try to make it special. It's just that his ideas of special aren't the traditional teddy bears with flowers and candies.

•Instead he'll take the day easy, going on a lazed walk with you about the desolate town he calls home.  Maybe ripping a few hostiles in half if they dare threaten you. Nonetheless, the day will come to a peaceful end as the two of you merely bask in each other's presence with the setting sun as your witness.

Thomas Hewitt:

•oh no. No. What does he do??

•He has seen plenty of movies entailing what was expected out of a man on this day, but damn, he never expected himself to be in that position!

•After a very mild internal breakdown, Thomas will do what he knows best- he'll as Luda what to do with you.

•Having pity on her fumbling son, she decidedly absolved him of his chores for the day, fixed him as nice as he would let her and told him to go fetch some flowers from the field. She'd just need to make sure that you're distracted long enough for him to accomplish that.

•Around evening, Thomas would scare you half to death- a sheepish going to his adverted gaze whenever you spun around to meet his large, looming form.

•Much like some romantic movie, he would then do his best to keep eye contact as he presented you with a humble bouquet of whatever pretty plants he could find on the land.

• "Oh, Tommy..they're beautiful.." Was all you could manage, making his heart skip a beat as you approached him- leaning up on your tippy toes to press a kind kiss to the edge of his mask, roughly over where his mouth was.

•Love sure was strange.

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