Dating Bubba Sawyer

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You adjusting to the the sawyers life. Cannibalism and all. Even though, I must add, Bubba did have a few fantasies that included you not getting involved with that kind of stuff...but they were exactly that- fantasies.

Standing up to his brothers when and if they decide to tease him or break out the broom again. He absolutely loves it and sometimes even sticks his tongue out at them while you fiercely scold them.

Definitely living with them, like hands down as soon as you can, you're moving into the country. He'll have it no other way and will complain in his own special way until you move.

Having really emotional cuddling session when he finally removes his mask, poor baby.

Him making you all kinds of macabre little pieces of jewelry, likely made from bones or teeth.

Him also trying his best to convince you to let him do your makeup (at least if you do makeup).

He has no idea what to do but, as soon as you introduce him to sex- it's one of the few things he'll want and freely ask you for..

That being said, expect a bunch of soft, lazy, morning quickies right before the two of you have to get up and tend to the daily chores.

He's honestly such a sweetheart, like say that you're sick or just in pain and he'll draw you a hot bath and do everything in his power to care for you.

He gets a little over excited sometimes and is almost always possessive over you, so be prepared for a plethora of hickeys and marks.

Also, expect him to get you to dance with him. He is by no means a pro, but he enjoys spending the time with you and getting you to laugh as he spins you in his huge arms.

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