Happy Birthday, Michael

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(I didn't know whether to do RZ or OG 😭😭😭)

There was no way of knowing how he'd react. Not even you, who had loved and found love in the midst of his malicious being could predict his actions. Such was the nature of Michael Myers. Perhaps that only fed into the intrigue his intimidating presence behest.

There was indeed no way of knowing how he might receive the sight you so meticulously created for him upon his arrival home. The only reason you even knew the importance of the day was because you were once shown his charts from Smith's Grove a distant time ago. Maybe he didn't even know what today was. Maybe the only day he knew and looked forward to was the fated hours of Halloween.

No matter what you had hoped, Michael's return home had come and you were to no longer be left in suspense.

The careless heavy thud of muddied boots came to an abrupt stop within the manner of a measly few steps into your little home. The sight beheld in those deadly blues of his causing his breath to hitch as he was transfixed into a wondrous stillness.

You. You were there. Just as he liked. What's more than this though? What could possibly make him still in his stride? Well..being faced with cheesy, yet sweet decorations and the first birthday cake with its glimmering candles he could remember since before his incarceration certainly did the trick.

There was a pause, and with each passing second you began to fear you had made a potentially fatal mistake. He was so still. At least until his shaking hands rose to grasp the beaten latex of his mask, delicately taking it off without the slightest hint of hesitation in his movements. Without the mask, he revealed to you a sight you've become accustomed to but with the swell addition of a look of genuine surprise you hadn't once seen on your dear killer's contenance.

"Welcome home." You had begun with a sweet whim to your voice, placing a clean knife in his trembling hands as you guided him towards the cake you had prepared. "Happy Birthday, Michael. Don't forget to make a wish."

And just like that, the cake was sliced.

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