Reacts to their s/o being over emotional with movies

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• Though it might sound strange, Michael rather enjoys watching movies. That being said, he prefers documentaries or something of that you putting on that strange movie with the dog in it didn't particularly excite him.

• He still stayed around for it. Anything new kept his he may not admit it openly, but having you lean back against him on the couch makes him happy.

• Seeing you act so emotional has him more than confused than anything. Were you seriously crying over that? Come on...

• He won't mock you for it, at least not directly. However if you manage to piss him off one day over something minor, he'll sadistically replay the specific part that made you cry just to torture you. He'll even smile behind his mask when you storm out of the room and throw pillows at him.


• (y/n)...why? How could you put something so terrible on?

• He's the kind to start crying with you, clutching you in his bear-like arms as he allowed silent tears to roll down his cheeks.

• Jason has a severe soft spot for animals of any kind so, this is definitely not his favourite type of movie.

• Don't complain later if you come home to a new four-legged friend awaiting your arrival. Jason just feels too bad for the poor pup on the television and insists that two of you "right" that wrong by raising your own little fur baby.


• For the love of all things good, this is what you choose to watch? Personally, Brahms prefers a good book any day but...he supposes this isn't too bad.

• Once you become emotional and start crying, he can't help but smirk as he realizes a very nice opportunity was presenting itself to him.

• Almost instantly, he'll start coddling you. He'll hold you and start rocking you back and forth, wiping your tears away as he forces you to look away from the heart wrenching scene on the screen.


• It's pretty rare that the two of you have enough spare time to watch movies, but when you do, it's almost always with the whole damn Hewitt family. Just picture it, every single last one of them all huddled up in the living room- Monty of course hogging the majority of the TV.

• Seeing as some of the other family members were becoming a little emotional as well, Thomas himself would even look away from the screen. He didn't like seeing that poor pup die..

• As soon as you start to cry, he'll whine and pull you into his lap- forcing your head down to his chest while he hides his own gaze in the crook of your neck.

• It was kind of silly, sure, but he even cries a little too.

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