Jason with an s/o that wants to move in

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The first time you mention wanting to officially move in with him, he couldn't have been happier. Sure, he was well aware of the dangers that this would bring about but the idea of having you around him all the time is honestly just too good to worry.

Speaking of dangers..his cabin wouldn't exactly be the safest place to crash and because you likely aren't familiar enough with it to not fall or injure yourself, you and him will make a joined effort to spiff the place up some and make it a true home.

He didn't really know what to expect if truth be told. He knew that having you want to be around was such a blessing, but he he didn't know how well you'd adjust to the woodland life. At least not until one day he happens upon you, clad in one of his clearly oversized flannel shirts and chopping firewood while whistling some happy tune. After that, he may just worry a little less.

The winter months are always the best when it comes to spending time at home. Food may not be the most bountiful but consisting the frigid cold, there was rarely any campers for him to get rid of. This meant that he was able to dedicate his time to helping you nest back home, just tell him what needs to be done and he'll do it with a bright smile behind his hockey mask.

While on the subject of food- if you somehow manage to create a sufficient garden, he'll be genuinely impressed. In addition to this, he'll try his very best to offer his help in this field as well. Surprisingly enough, he isn't a terrible farmer. He'd also be lying if he said he wasn't swelling with pride each time you come back up to the newly refinished stairs of the cabin with a nice basketful of produce in your arms.

You could totally convince him to allow livestock on the homestead as well. While he might not be much help in this field, he can certainly put up some fences. Just..please don't let him get too attached to an animal you intend to use for meat. He won't be able to butcher it.

Soon enough, Jason forgets what life without your presence was like and couldn't ever fathom trying to remember it. You've made him truly feel at home, not just physically either. Deep down he knew that as lovely as his old rickety cabin looked now, his true home was with you.

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