A sleeping boogeyman

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How was it that this being beside you was capable of such horrors?

Illuminated only by what little light the pale moon could provide and a silent, meaningless picture upon the tv screen, you observed your peacefully asleep lover. What made such a scene so note worthy in your own musings was that Michael had passed out on the couch, one of his dangerously strong arms lazily draped over your shoulder and his other hand barely grasping the emotionless face of his mask in his lap.

It wasn't like him to do this. Then again, the entire night had been strange. Like usual, Michael had trudged through the back door of your shared little home, mask already off and eyes subdued to an uncharacteristically inert state as he made his way to join you on the couch. Glancing towards you was his own special way of saying "Honey, I'm home." A gesture that now made you giggle quietly every time he did it. However instead of just merely staring at the TV, stuffing whatever food you made into his mouth while he did- Michael went straight to you, arms outstretched and ever so subtle look of neediness present upon his stoic face. Yet another unique trait you've learned to pick up on- what usually wouldn't even register to most people as expression, for Michael it was huge. For instance, the slightest furrow of his brow could be an indication of blazing fury.

But forget that-

Such a gentle look, so not behooving  of man in his.."field. With slightly parted plump rosy lips, soft pale skin, thick auburn curls, and his eyes fluttering in a dream like state- your lover hadn't ever seemed to be  quite so beautiful.

Had the fear of potentially waking him up not played a factor, you certainly would've snuck a quick photo of his gorgeous tranquil state. Alas, disturbing him is the very last thing you'd like to do- and not because you feared his hand around your throat anymore- but because you simply wanted Michael to properly rest. So instead of ogling him for any longer, you took to settling at his side- a tentative hand slipping over  his own, the one that had the mask.

No reaction.

"Sleep well, boogeyman. I love you.."

Slasher Preferences and One-ShotsOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara