Slashers being friends with future s/o aa children

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(This made me really happy.)


He really didn't understand you.

All the other kids in your class were so mean to him. They'd call him names, mock him and all kinds of stuff. But were different. You didn't think he was a monster like the rest of them did.

When you first came up to him, he frowned- fully expecting you to call him names or something of the sort. Instead you just gave him a sweet smile and handed him a flower you picked, asking him if he wanted to play with you.

You weren't scared? You didn't think he was ugly?

Eventually the two of you become the best of friends. Seeing as you were the only kid that could even stand to look at him and such.

What really won him over was when you pushed some bully away from him, making the kid land straight on their butt and cry. He felt really bad that you ended up getting in trouble over it but...he'd be lying if he said he didn't love you all the more for it.

His mama is practically overjoyed when he comes home with a friend, fixing up snacks and the whole nine. Let's just face it, she's probably at a loss. You're the first and likely the only friend that Tommy has ever brought home.

Things go pretty well, up until the two of you get a little older and you admit that you have a crush on him. To which he'll just tilt his head, a look of pure shock gracing his scarred features. He knew you liked him, "like-like" him?

You'd just giggle, leaning in to press an innocent kiss to his cheek- causing likely the most adorable blush you've ever seen to consume his face.

After that, Tommy starts waking around with a little bit more of a pep in his step. Someone so wonderful like you likes him, surely he couldn't be a monster after all.


Michael was always the strange one of the class. For some reason he wouldn't speak, wouldn't ever seem excited, nor would he play...

At least not with anybody. He'd never seek anyone out- he'd just play off in some corner of the room with his toys silently. Nobody wanted to bother him, frankly they were too scared.

Not you.

He made you curious, and soon your curiosity would lead you to walking up to him- tapping his shoulder and offering your own toys for you both to play with.

He'd be genuinely confused at first, almost pouting- but he didn't send you away, so that was something. Whenever you just smiled and sat down next to him, his expression would soften.

At first Michael wouldn't really understand how to play with others, he'd be way too forceful and a little bratty when it came to getting his way- but that didn't seem to deter you.

He could respect that.

Soon enough, Michael just came to accept your persistence. He'd find it somewhat nice to have company for a change, even if he didn't think that way in the beginning. It certainly was fun having someone else to play with.

Michael, of course, can be a little possessive over you. You're his friend, no one else's. He will get mad if you play with someone else and he'll make sure that everyone knows it.

One fateful day during recess, all the other kids proper that you all play "wedding". Naturally, having a crush on the odd boy- you told him that you wanted him to be your "husband". His eyes will probably become the widest you've ever seen them, but he'll reluctantly nod, letting you grab him by the hand and lead him up to "marry" you in front of your other classmates.

All the other kids thought you were crazy. He wasn't nice to anyone, why would you pick him? Regardless of your reason, they still thought you were nuts.

Eventually the day came that Michael stopped coming to school, something terrible happened and that's all you knew...but you weren't too sad. Somehow, someway, you knew you'd see your friend again. No matter how long it took.


You were an absolute Angel in both his eyes and his mother's.

Unlike all the other children that would pick on him or be disgusted by his face, you'd just treat him like a normal person. No pity, no just genuinely wanted to hang out with him.

Going to camp was always a little bit easier for Jason so long as you were there.

He wants to do everything with you, not a single camp activity can be missed out on. He used to not like any of them, seeing as it was usually just an opportunity to be made fun of- but now that you were here...he started to realize why they were so much fun!

It isn't very long until he actually develops a little crush on you. He wouldn't dare admit it though..he doesn't want to scare you off. However that won't stop him from making you little bracelets and bringing you flowers.

He was starting to believe that your friendship was just that, at least..until he gave you a necklace and you, without hesitance, kissed him on his forehead as a "thank you".

Any of your fellow children that happened to see yelled "eww" and began to tease you for liking him..but you didn't care. Heck, you even yelled back at them- telling them all that they shouldn't be so cruel and that he was perfectly sweet!

After that event, Pamela would make the both of you some grilled cheese sandwiches, a pleased smile on her face.

It felt good to know at least someone could see the sweet person her little boy was.


In order for you to have been friends with Brahms, your families likely would've at least known each other- thus making the two of you pretty darn familiar with each other.

That being said, he loves you! Like seriously, you're one of his most favourite people.

He can be a little bossy when it comes down to playing and stuff, but you never seemed to mind him. Instead you'd just smile and agree with him.

He didn't really understand that you were only so tolerate because you had a huge crush on him...not at least until you tell him so.

Once you do, you better understand what youre getting into.

He's bossy, jealous and possessive. Plus, he has a major crush on you too.

Don't let him know that you play with literally anyone else. He'll throw a tantrum over it.

Even though the two of you were way to young to understand it, he'll start referring to you as his "girlfriend/boyfriend"- sometimes being more open to playing "mummies and daddies" with you, but only if you really really want to. Otherwise it's hide and seek all the damn time.

Aside from that, your relationship isn't all that different.

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