Dating the Huntress would include...

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Let's just start off by saying that Anna is a very reclusive person...but with that lifestyle also comes loneliness. A loneliness that only you have been able to subdue. For that, she is ever grateful...but you in turn will also have to be patient with her.

She is pretty damn rough in everything that she does. Expect there to be random broken things around the house that she just sheepishly overlooks, maybe a couple bruises on both you and herself if the two of you get intimate and so on.

However in light of that recent point, she really does try her very best to treat you with tenderness. It's just that Anna's idea of tenderness isn't exactly...well, tender.

Make no mistake about it, you will know that you are very much so loved with her as your partner.

She's an exceptional listener. Things you barely mention, she pays attention to and does so from a place of genuine care.

If you're ever in a trial with her and happen to be a survivor, she will continuously piss off the entity. It doesn't matter how much it may punish her for it, she refuses to throw her hatchets at you. Instead, she may even try to train you how to take down some of the other killers. The mere thought of someone hurting her little "драгоценный" enrages her. So again, if you do happen to go into a trail with her..she'll unashamedly skim you over and try to show you where the hatch is if she finds it.

Sometimes Anna will spend her nights with you cuddled by the fireplace, making you rest against her broad chest as she hums lullabies and braids your hair. All hairstyles from Anna are guaranteed to be tactically advantageous.

When it comes down to sex, Anna is nothing if not animalistic. She'll treat you kindly and care for you..after the deed is done. You can be male or female and Anna will find a way to make you fully submit and cry before she is finished with you.

Displays of her affection can be seen for days later. What I mean by that it. She bites...and scratches.

If it's deep into the relationship, she may present you with small handcrafted wooden toys every once in a while. They serve as a special sentiment to her, seeing as when she looks at them..she remembers her mother and her mother's selfless love. That's what she thinks of when she sees you..

Will occasionally bring you to hunt, but if the prey is dangerous she'll throw a fit and force you to stay home. Hope you're okay with hunting rabbit.

Extremely territorial. Catch this woman trying to start shit with The Shape just because he made you his "obsession". Let her hear that The Pig was too brutal. Better yet, Let. Her. See. Another. Survivor. Flirt. With. You. She doesn't care if the entity himself stood in her way, she is going to protect her mates even if it will be the death of her.

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