Dating Thomas Hewitt

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Him trying his level best to communicate with you, only to realize that he could do so much more efficiently though actions than he ever could with words.

Every time you visit the house, he won't let you leave his sight. Luda Mae is the only other person that he'll consider leaving you with, he loves his family dearly At least not until everyone gets used to you, then everything is peachy and he actually likes it if you spend more time with everyone else.

Well...that being said, he can get pretty possessive. Like he won't go to far extremes like stalking or anything remotely close to it, but, he'll make sure that his displeasure is known one way or another.

Loves giving you gifts. Look, they might be made out of bone or hide but it's still something. Oh goodness, and if you like them? He's positively over the moon with joy.

He's a little reluctant with physical contact in the beginning. You're probably a considerable bit smaller than him and he knows it, so he often times fears that he'll hurt you. However as soon as you reassure him that he won't break you, you'll find yourself welcomed back home by him sweeping you off your feet with a hug.

He's a huge sucker for anything romantic. Despite not being the best at it, if you give him a chance, he'll do everything within his power to let you know just how special you are to him.

Loves taking baths with you, even if he is a little too big for it to be comfortable.

Really soft, sweet kind of sex- usually with you riding him.

Whenever he first shows you what lays under his mask, he'll withdraw into himself for just a little bit- not being able to understand how you weren't entirely disgusted by what you saw. Once you make it clear that you love him for so much more than his looks, he'll realize that somehow, you've made him fall even deeper in love with you.

Will occasionally allow you to come down into the basement, but you mustn't go around anything too sharp. He'll flip out the entire maybe don't go down there actually.

Has occasionally missed a few of his chores because of his refusal to leave you in bed. Besides, he loves cuddling far much more than he does feeding livestock.

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