Chapter One

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"Are you sure he's ready for this?"

"He's passed all of his psych tests. I don't see why he wouldn't be ready for something like this. The real question is, are you ready to do something like this? I know this is a lot to ask of you, and he can always relapse until he has his final sessions on Wakana with Okoye." The pair turned and walked down a crowded hallway full of other agents milling about before they reached a door that led to an office. "Will, I just want to make sure that you can do this."

"Mike, this is what my degree is for. He's come a long way already, and I can handle him if something happens," Will answered. "When do I get to meet him?"

Mike unlocked and opened the door to his office before he allowed Will to walk in before him. "You just have to sign these documents and a waiver. Then I will have someone take you to him."

Will sat in the chair that sat on the other side of Mike's desk and gathered the papers while Mike handed her a pen. "Where exactly are you keeping him in the first place? I hope it's not some kind of holding cell."

"He's being kept in a safe room. It's almost like an apartment... but not," Mike answered. "It's another one of Tony's inventions."

"So... how long has he been back from Wakanda this time? I know when the blip happened, and people came back, a lot of things were lost."

"Not very long, maybe a couple of days. Steve has gotten a hold of us so he could talk to him on the phone a few times. He hasn't been able to make it out here to actually come and see him."

Will nodded as she finished signing all of the paperwork. "I know the avengers have been dealing with a lot right now." She sat back in her seat with a soft sigh on her lips. "How long will this mission be?"

Mike shrugged as he finally sat in his desk chair and pulled the papers to him. "As long as it takes, honestly. Sergeant Barnes is an asset, and we need him on our side of the team. He has many demons, but his previous therapist made some headway."

"Well, I'm his therapist now, along with doing this acclimation thing. Where will we be housed?"

"There's an apartment complex on the far side of the compound. Most of the avengers used to live in it, but now only some of the operatives do, and a couple of the Avengers when they're in town," Mike explained. "Both of you will be safe there, and if he relapses, we won't be far away."

"That sounds reasonable. I don't have very much with me at the hotel I've been staying at, just clothes and odds and ends," Will replied.

"The place is fully furnished, and I can have the pantry and fridge stocked later today so the place can be ready. When would you like to move in?"

"The sooner, the better. I'd like to start getting him acclimated to normal life as much as I can without any distractions."

Mike nodded and picked up his office phone before he dialed a number. "Yes, could you send Miss Hill to come pick up Dr. Price, please? She's taking him to room five eighty. Yes, Mr. Barnes will be leaving today." He hung up the phone a few seconds later, then pulled out his cellphone from his pocket and began texting. "I'll make sure groceries will be there sooner for you both, along with extra clothing for Mr. Barnes."

Will smiled and stood. "Thank you, Mike. I know it took a lot for you to get me on this assignment, but I'm glad you did. I really think I can help him."

"I think you can help him too. It will take time and patience, but I believe he will be alright in the long run. I did give you Steve's number, correct?"

"Yes, it's already saved in my cellphone."

"Good. You never know when you might need to ask him about something or arrange for a visit. I know Barnes would be happy to see his friend again after everything that's happened."

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