||Going back to reality||

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C H A P T E R  T W O


I lift myself up on my elbows. My eyes hurt due to the day light that shines through the curtains of my window. It's not even twelve yet.

I remember having a class this morning and am debating whether I should go or not.

You see, there is a huge struggle, between the comfort of my house and the fear of failing life because I do not attend classes. University is expensive. You have to pay for it practically your whole life -unless you become successful, which is not my case- and when you finally finish paying your debt, you die. I sigh, getting up and think that I wouldn't have to do all of this if I marry an old billionaire, but I don't quite have the body and I respect myself too much for that, fortunately.

I get prepared and go to my car, my mug of coffee in hand. If I learned one thing about university, is that if you want to keep yourself awake during class, you must have a cup of this in your hands. Unless you are one of those persons who love to learn and get excited about getting up at an impossible hour to willingly go through the gates of hell. Tea works fine too, but it's less strong and I don't like drinking tea at nine in the morning, tea has a nocturne meaning to me.

He used to like drinking tea and there are still tons of packages of different sorts of tea in a drawer in the kitchen. I still haven't open any of them since he left, because I am not brave enough. Opening it and drinking it alone or throwing it in the garbage will be accepting his departure. I know he left. I just don't want to erase all traces of him just yet.

I park in Prescott's huge parking lot and curse under my breath. Why is it that every single time I think that I come early enough to have a great parking spot, I'm wrong. It's always packed. I walk to my class, already in a bad mood. I love taking walks but when it involves a shit tons of people in my way with the horrible smell of cologne and cheap perfume, I can't handle it. You would've thought that becoming an adult and all the changing phase would've helped them smell better and act more like a human being. Apparently not.

I hold my bag tightly against me as I pass in the hallway. I can feel people's eyes on me and I make my best to ignore them. Hasn't anyone ever told them that it was rude to stare? They aren't even trying to mask it, it is flagrant. I don't know if I should be flattered to receive so much attention or annoyed. No, I am definitely annoyed.

I enter the classroom, making sure to make the less noises possible. I am late and even though I know that the teacher doesn't give a damn about it, I still try to make a good impression. I've always been kind of a suck-up. The professor, Mrs Johnson is already too absorbed in her speech about justice to pay me any attention.

I've always wanted to be a lawyer as far as I can remember. Sure I had phase where I aspired to become a waitress, but it didn't take me long to realize that it wouldn't get me very far in life. I'm not a very hesitant person, let's just say. I know myself and I know what I need and want. I don't push myself to the maximum, but I do just enough to get it. Getting at this point, I have to say that I did a bit more than just enough to be honest and I'm quite satisfied.

Let me tell you, there's two -and only two- types of people at uni. The ones who don't know shit about what they're going to do with their lives and have probably chosen their program by playing darts and the others who are inspired, motivated by something and knew exactly what they're getting themselves into.

I am the second type of person.

The first thing that motivated me, was my very first best friend in primary school. Her parents often beat her and I could never do anything about it and neither did she. We were young and the adults didn't trust us. We parted ways at high school because she was really annoying with all her makeup and boyfriends and her drinking problems, but I never forgot about her. I wanted to be able to stand up for people like her and prevent them for ending up just like her. After that, came my inspiration. I still wasn't too sure about what I wanted to get myself into and I was still kind of afraid of how demanding it will be for me to study in law, but one day, like if this particular moment was destined just for me, we had a Career Day and I assisted to a conference of a high ranked judge at The Office of The Children. He was such a great man and in an hour has taught me more than what I'll ever learn in high school.

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