Chapter 56:Planning

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*Three days have past and the couple are planning their wedding date*

Asta:So You want it on October 4th?!

Noelle:Yeah why?

Asta:That's my birthday!

Noelle:It is?!

Asta:Well I think it is. I don't really know my actual birthdate.

Noelle:Oh Well how about October 24th?

Asta:I like that.

Noelle:Then its settled then.

Asta:October 24th.


Asta:So what now? I haven't planned this far cause I didn't think I'd get here hahaha.

Noelle:You goofball.

Asta:That's me. Well we could go swimming since summer is ending soon.

Noelle:True. Let me go get my swimsuit.

Asta:Alright. I'll get my trunks on then we can go.

Noelle:Alright see you in a bit.

*thirty minutes go by*

Noelle:Asta you ready??

Asta:Yeah give me a sec.

Noelle:Alright I'll be outside when you're ready.


Asta:Dammit where is it?!

Liebe:What is it?

Asta:Theres this new cologne I bought and it only activates when it gets wet and I want to smell good to bro I'm not some fucking crustacean who doesn't like hygiene.

Liebe:I know that part smartass but why where it?

Asta:For Noelle.

Liebe:Okay that's all you had to say jackass.

Asta:Do you want me to pile drive your ass back to the mesozoic era you fucking tard.

Liebe:Oh my that's some big words your using there Asta. Do you know what they mean.

Asta:*Let's go of his bag*

Liebe:Oh shit.

*Outside moments before*

Noelle:Man what is taking Asta so long??

*The door opens*

Noelle:Oh As-

Liebe:*Flies by while screaming as he slowly gets distant* FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK.....OW!!

Asta:*Cmes out with their stuff* That's what you get shit fuck! Oh hey babe you ready?

Noelle:Guys I swear.

Asta:Well your stuck with me soo that's your fault.*Chuckles*

Noelle:Yeah yeah I know Dorksta.

Asta:Slayer! You ready?


*The two hop on the sword and fly off*

Asta:I'm guessing the beach?


Asta:Alright. Hey maybe we can go see Kiato and Kahono!

Noelle:Yeah it's been awhile since we've seen them!

*A couple hours go by and they already set up their spot and are about to go swimming*

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