Chapter 34:The Star Festival

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*The next morning Asta goes down stair and sees everyone but Yami and Charlotte*

Asta:Oh okay.

Vanessa:What is it Asta?

Asta:*Smirks*Well it's weird to not see Captain Yami here but then again Captain Charlotte never left either.

Magna:Wait what do you mean?

Acier:Wait did she actually stay?!

Asta:Yeah with a little help from me.

*Charlotte walks down the stair in a pair of Yami's clothes*

Asta:So did you sleep well?

Charlotte:*Turns red a little bit* Y-yeah I did.

Asta:Well welcome to the family Charlotte haha.

Charlotte:Well I wouldn't say that.

Asta:Well your Ki says otherwise. Plus well the limp gave it away.

Charlotte:*Turns completely red* I don't know what your talking about.

Asta:Its fine everyone else is out in town and Noelle is in the shower. That and breakfast is ready if your hungry.

Charlotte:Did that small girl make it?

Asta:Actually no I did so forgive me if it is bad.

*Yami walks in*

Yami:I didn't know you knew how to cook kid.

Asta:Well I I learned a couple of things from Acier while in the Heart Kingdom.

*Noelle walks in*

Noelle:Oh did Charmy leave us food?

Charlotte:No apparently Asta made us breakfast.


Asta:Yeah but everything is ready just let me know if you guys like it or want seconds cause this is the first time I've cooked for people besides myself.

Yami:Eh what's the worst that could happen.

Charlotte:*Takes a bite* Oh wow this is really good!

*Yami and Noelle agree*

Asta:Well isnt the festival today.


Asta:Also I have a question.

Charlotte:Sure what is it?

Asta:I still don't know what a festival is..

Charlotte:*Almost chockes* What?!

Asta:*Embarrassed* Yeah..

Noelle:Oh yeah I forgot you didn't know what it was.

Charlotte:Wait so why don't you know what one is?

Asta:Well let's see I'm a peasant,I have no mana,I had no money, and I lived in Hage Village. So basically my life style is why.

Noelle:Asta we talked about this.

Asta:I know Noelle but that's the truth. Those are the reasons why I don't know a lot of things.

Charlotte:I see..

Asta:Now I'm not saying I hate royalty because that's clearly not the case. I just hate the way this kingdom is corrupted.

Yami:I get what you mean there kid.

Asta:But back to the subject. Yeah I don't know what a festival is at all.

Yami:Well the Star Festival is an annual festival that celebrates the Magic Knights achievements and reveals the squads' rankings, based on the number of stars obtained during the year that and it's just fun.

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