Chapter 10:The Question and News

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Noelle:Well I'm not going to ask it around the rest of them. So can we move somewhere private?

Asta:Sure if it makes you feel less uneasy about it.

Noelle:Okay thanks.

*They both move inside the base into Asta's room and Asta shuts the door*

Asta:So what's this question of yours.

Noelle:Well in was kind of hoping you would tell me about your past if you are willing to share it of course cause I don't want to force you to do anything it's just...I've never seen my mom care.for someone like that other than her children. And I'm not jealous of that it's just I'm do you mind?

Asta:*Inhales deeply then let's out a big sigh*Ok I will but tell no one else because I don't want to bother anyone with it. Okay?

Noelle:Eek..okay I promise.

*So after telling Noelle his backstory Asta starts to tear up and Noelle is still trying  to process what she was just told*

Noelle:Asta I'm sorry you had t-Asta come on don't cry..*She hugs asta to comfort him*

*Asta starts to sob into his hands while sitting on his bed.*

Noelle:*While hugging him she breathes in his scent by accident and thinks to herself* Wow he smells amazing..WAIT WHY AM I THINKING ABOUT THAT RIGHT NOW HE NEEDS TO BE COMFORTED!!

Asta:I'm sorry *Slight inhale*about crying*Slight inhale*like this in*slight inhale*front of you..

Noelle:Its fine Asta..I'm going to for a bit so you can calm down okay?


*Noelle gets up and leaves Asta's room and goes down stairs to the main area to hang our with the rest of the gang*

Vanessa:Hey Noelle.


Vanessa:Where's Asta?

Noelle:Oh he's went to bed he said he was tired..

Vanessa:*Squints her eyes out of suspicion* Okay.

*Later that night After everyone went to sleep Vanessa goes to Asta's room to check on him*

Vanessa:*Whispers*So this is his room got it now time to listen.

Asta:*In his sleep* Guys don't leave me..Nash,Sister Lily,Father,...Yuno....

Vanessa:Poor guy he seems troubled...well I should get some sleep.

*The next morning Asta wakes up and does his normal morning routine and goes to the main lobby where Yami is*

Yami:Alright newbies I got news for you two.

Asta:What's the news?

Yami:You going to Hage Village to kill some wild boars.Also Vanessa you're going with them.

Vanessa:Got it sir.

Noelle:Boars sounds easy enough.

Asta*Tenses up at the name of his hometown*

Yami:You three leave in 30 minutes so get ready.

All three of them:Yes sir.

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