Chapter 21: Beach Drama

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*Asta and Noelle get ready and dressed for the beach then head down stairs.*

Acier:About time you two got ready everyone is already outside having fun.

Asta:Sorry mom..

Acier:It's fine I'm just teasing you Asta.

Acier:Well Asta can I ask you a question?

Asta:Sure what's up?

Acier:I see you have your swimming trunks on but why a shirt?

Asta:I don't know I just have a feeling something is going to happen.

Acier:Oh it's fine noth-

Noelle:No mom I agree with Asta. Because every time he has said that something has happened.

Acier:Okay whatever you say. So let's get out there.

*The three leave the inn and go outside to their beach spot*

Acier:Alright enjoy yourselves okay.

Asta:We will mom.

Noelle:I'll make sure he doesn't hurt himself.*Giggles*

Asta:Alright I see how it is.

*As Asta and Noelle leave together Noelle is called out by a familiar voice*

???:Hey Noelle what are you doing here?

*Asta and Noelle turn around*

Noelle:Oh hey Mimosa.

Mimosa:Hey and hello..Asta right?

Asta:That's it.

Mimosa:So what brings you guys down here to the beach?

Asta:Well we are on a one month vacation so that's why.

Mimosa:That's a coincidence because so are we.*She points at two other Golden Dawn members*

Klaus:Hello Asta,Noelle how have the two of you been?

Asta and Noelle:Good,You?

Klaus:I've been good. What brings you here?

Asta:A vacation.You?

Klaus:Same here.

???:Klaus,Mimosa why are you talking to members of the Black Bulls?

Mimosa:Oh they're our friends Letoile.

Letoile:The Golden Dawn don't make friends with a bunch of scoundrels.

Noelle:The Black Bulls aren't scoundrels at all.

Letoile:Yet you have a peasant amongst your fold. Even for the Black Bulls that is distasteful.

Noelle:Well The Black Bulls are the worst squad right?So I don't see a problem here.

Letoile:And for royalty to join such a pitiful squad I van tell you are soiling the Silva name Noelle.

Acier:What's goi-


Letoile:Is there something you want to say peasant?

Asta:Yeah..yeah there is.

*Noelle and Acier look at Asta who is visibly pissed*

Letoile:Then spit it out.

Asta:Ya know I couldn't give a rat's ass about what you say to me or about me but I will not stand here a listen to you slander Noelle's and Acier's name like that.So I'M telling you that you should probably leave before things get messy.

Mimosa:Guys can we not fight?

Letoile:Quiet Mimosa. I don't know who you think you are to talk to a noble like that brat but I guess no one would miss a peasant such as yourself.

Asta:Wanna bet.

Letoile:Ill show you the power of my Compass Magic worm.

*Upon hearing those words Asta has a flashback to when Yuno was murdered remembering that this was the magic that killed his brother*


*Asta pushes Noelle aside*

Noelle:Asta what was that f-

Asta*Pulls out a third sword that looks like Yami's Katana but more sinister* were the one who killed him weren't you.

Mimosa,Klaus,and the rest of The Black Bulls:Killed who?

Letoile:Wait..your the other boy from that village arent you?!

Asta:Yeah I am and your first mistake was leaving me alive and your second one *he charges right up to her* WAS PISSING ME OFF!!!

*Asta does a horizontal slash cutting  Letoile in half sending her entrails all over the spot she was cut down at*

Mimosa and Klaus:Asta!!*They rush to their fallen squad mate and go to scold Asta but then see Asta's face*

Asta:*With rage and sadness in his voice* And your third mistake was taking my family from me.*The katana disappears and Asta breaks down*

*Noelle rushes Asta's side trying to comfort him*

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