Chapter 6:A New Life

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Asta:The magic knights?!


Asta:*Reluctant at first* Sure.

Julius:So what squad would you like to join?

Asta:I guess the Black Bulls.

Everyone except Acier and Julius:The Black Bulls?!?!

Asta:Yeah since every other squad except the Green Mantises are noble or royal and since I'm a peasant I don't belong there...

Nozel and Nebra:*To themselves*Tch at least he knows his place.

Julius:Speaking of squads it says here Noelle chose the Black Bulls too.

Nozel and Nebra:YOU WHAT?!?

Noelle:Yeah I did so what?

Acier:Well I'm proud of you Noelle. Your making your own choices just like you should.

Noelle:*Slightly blushes at the complement* Thanks mom.

Acier:Also Asta do your best in the Black Bulls okay?

Asta:*Says confusingly*uhm yes ma'am.

Nozel:Well come Nebra we have more important things to deal with at the moment.

*Nozel and Nebra leave*

Acier:Oh my gosh I completely forgot!

Noelle:What did you forget?

Asta:Yeah miss what di-.

*Asta is cut off from a hug from Acier*

Acier:*Slighty crying once more*Julius told me what happened. I'm so sorry you had to witness that.

Asta:*Holding back tears* Y-your fine that wasn't your fault.

*Noelle is shocked at her mothers actions but is also sympathetic towards Asta seeing he's holding the tears back*

Noelle:*Whispers to Julius* What's going on?

Julius:*Whispering* I'll tell you later.

*Acier still crying and hugging Asta and Asta slowly starting to give in*

Acier:That's it's *sniff* let it out.

*Asta is full on crying into her*

Acier:*Pats his head* That's it just let go.

Noelle:Hey Julius.

Julius:Yes Noelle?

Noelle:I've never seen a boy cry this much before. What happened?

Julius:Well do you want the long or short story?


Julius:Well yesterday his village was attack by three people and he watched them murder his brother and they burned the church he was living in to the ground burning the rest of the family alive.

Noelle:Oh...i..I didn't know..

*Thirty minutes pass and Asta and Acier have calmed down and theres a knock on the door*

Julius:Come in!

Yami:*Opens the door* You called me?

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