Chapter 53:Just a Dream

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*Noelle starts to wake up*

Noelle:Good morning As-ASTA?!

*Noelle rushes down stairs*

Noelle:Where is Asta?!

Acier:He is still in the underworld though to be fair when Nacht and Gordon came back and said there was a problem you fainted.

Noelle:So...Asta isnt here..

Acier:I'm sorry sweetie I wish I could help.

Noelle:*Starting to tear up* Where is everyone else?

Acier:They are trying to find a way to bring him back.


Acier:Yeah Noelle. You do realise you aren't the only one that cares for him ya know. Its because of him we are all stronger and better people.

Noelle:Yeah I know its just-

Acier:Noelle look we all miss him and we are doing everything we can to bring him back. We all see how its affecting you and we feel bad.

Noelle:Why do you guys feel bad?

Acier:Because we can't cheer you up like Asta can.*Chuckles* God I swear you were just like me when I was younger.

Noelle:Why do you say that?

Acier:Well with your father I was always with him and wanted to be with him on everything he did kinda like how you are with Asta.

Noelle:*slightly smiles and looks to the side* Oh...

Acier:I swear you sure are crazy about him huh.

Noelle:*Slightly blushing* Yeah..I am.

Acier:May i ask why? I'm just curious that's all.

Noelle:Well the long or short verion?


Noelle:Well Asta makes me feel safe,protected,loved,and over all just a good person. The way he treats others with such respect and how much he has grown as a person. Plus well ummm...*starts to blush*

Acier:*With a smirk and teasingly elbows her* His manly body.

Noellle:*Turns red*Y-yeah......

Acier:*Laughs* Its okay sweetie. He probably feels the same way too.

Noelle:You think so?

Acier:Yeah. Yeah I do.

*In the underworld*

Solince:Asta?! I thought you left!

Asta:As did I. Turns out there is a barrier keeping me down here.

Beelzebub:But you don't have any magic so how?

Asta:I don't know either. Fuck man and yesterday was Noelle's birthday too dammit.

Solince:Wait a minute...


Solince:You feel that too?

Beelzebub:Yeah I do.

Asta:Feel what?

Beelzebub:Looks like the old man left something before he died.

Asta:That being?

Solince:To put it bluntly you are radiating Lucifier's gravity magic.

Asta:I am?!

Beelzebub:Yeah you reek of it.

Asta:So before he died he made it to where I can leave........


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