Yeosang still remembered the first time his baby moved.. he couldn’t believe it .it was a weird feeling.  He was mostly surprise when san asked to feel it too, his face at that moment was telling everything. He was amazed and impressed by it.  

And unfortunately  after that  very moment, san touched the baby bump of yeosang everytime. Making his baby kick hard against his master palm and make the fox hissed in pain. He didn’t  count the number of time he asked san to stop teasing their baby.  

But , yeosang in the end, still let him do as he wanted . He knew he loved it  even if he didn’t say it loud and yeosang didnt want to take it away from him. His master was still There for him..wich was a very good surprise for everybody.  


Who could even guessed than san the noble who was reputed to bring only problems and do as he wished would ever take care of someone who, worst was pregnant of his child?  

That would surprise less people if he would throw them away , but its wasnt the case .  

As for the other,Yunho kept his promise he made to yeosang and he helped him a lot all the way during his pregnancy. If he couldn’t do something, then yunho would do it directly like the kind puppy he was.  

And as for  Wooyoung… well at first he wasnt that suprised about the fact that yeosang was with child. Knowing san, it was a matter of time before he got someone pregnant but he didn’t thought its would be yeosang himself.  

But even then ,He was also supportive.even if he was the one to always make fun of him..he would always stay not far if he needed help. Like the old best friend of yeosang he was.

For jongho, it was a bit more complicated. he was the one mostly worried about the consequences.  He never said it was a bad thing or even A good thing the fact yeosang was pregnant.  He was mostly watching over his brother just in case he would do some shit again behind his back.


Sighing san looked down at yeosang who was sitting behind his own desk with a plate full of midnight snack, but it was only ten in the morning.  It was way too sweet and sugary things in the morning for someone who was pregnant.  

-yeosang, the doctor said you cant eat that. Be carefull for once , i need to go see the old man im coming back later .》

-And i said i do whatever i want  ‘master’.》

Sighing, san go grabbed yeosang’s jaw and he pressed his fingers against it tightly.  

-You know i dont care if you are pregnant ? I can fuck you right there if i want to. And anwser me your stomach hurt again ?》

Gulping Yeosang looked down he shouldn’t understimate his master. He should know by now.  

-Y..yes ..but i think its gonna pass..》

-You said that last night. If you dont feel any better tonight im calling the doctor. «  

Letting go of yeosang jaw, san walked away without waiting for yeosang answer since he didnt really care if he wanted him to see a doctor. he would see a doctor.


Going inside of the room where his father was waiting for him, san was mostly surprised to see it wasn’t only his father who was there , they had also a young girl who seemed to be  around fifteen  years old and she was with  a old man he never saw before . What was the meaning of this? He didnt told him he had a meeting ?  

-father, may i ask who is she ?》


-San ,this is your new fiancee.》

Because You Are My First Love |||sansang,Hybrid AUWhere stories live. Discover now