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I let out a soft gasp as my eyes slowly widened. The necklace that rested upon my neck kept repeating the same thing over and over again, in my very own voice. I quickly grasped it into my hands as I peered down at it, the bright glittering light that shone off of it made my eyes twitch slightly. "Isn't that.. a rock from a red-bellied sea slug?" Tsumugu's lips parted as he asked.

I quickly looked away and hid the necklace away into the cups of my hand, shielding the bright light away and muffling the voice of it. There had to be a way to make it stop, this was so embarrassing. "White means that your feelings are right, don't they?" He took a few steps towards me, his voice coming out a bit desperate as I took a few steps back on instinct. The rock kept repeating and it took me back to that very day.


I can't handle going to sleep while everyone on the surface continues to live as normal, because if that happened.. "Oh, a sea slug!" I gasped out quietly before walking my way over to my bed, somehow a sea slug had gotten into my room and was crawling around on my bed. Perhaps I left the window open without realising. Crouching down at my bed, I softly picked the sea slug up before flipping it over to see its red belly, I then sighed as I fully sat down on the floor, my back pressed against the side of my bed.

"You know, I must be lucky.. this is the second time I've gotten a red-bellied sea slug, perhaps the sea god is giving me some hope" I smiled slightly as I let the sea slug rest in my hand. "I ended up telling the last sea slug that.. that I liked a boy who I was close with. I already knew the answer but for some reason, I felt like I needed to confirm it, just in case.. that there was a slim chance that they could've been right."

"I think.. I ended up liking a different boy though, a boy that I shouldn't like because we're from two different worlds." I whispered softly as I look down at my legs with a small frown. I pulled the sea slug closer to me as I lowered my mouth next to it so I could whisper the secret I was about to share to it. "I think I'm in love with Tsumugu.." I quietly shared the secret before letting it back down to the floor, poking it slightly.

"I believe that my love for the surface came back because of my developing love for Tsumugu. The first day I met him.. my eyes locked with his own, they were like an endless sea that I had fallen into, one that I'm constantly sinking into with no way to swim back to the surface for air."  I then softly closed my eyes and let out a small huff before something had rolled into my hands. "Hm?" I slightly peeked my eyes open.

My eyes widened as I looked down at the rock that now sat in my hands. The colour of it was as clear as day, it was so bright in this dark room. "A white rock.." my voice came out in a small falter as I just kept staring at the rock for what seemed like forever, I didn't know what to say or how I should react in this moment. I then groaned quietly as I buried my now red cheeks into my knees, my hair falling over my face. "Dang it.."


The rock had finally stopped repeating the secret. In a hurry, I had let go of the necklace and quickly turned away, not ready to face my feelings still. "In the last five years that I've known you, that you've spent living with us, I've watched you. Living here by the sea, over time I've come to understand it for the same reason why I think I've come to understand you" Tsumugu was quick to speak up, stopping me from leaving as I waited to hear him out.

My gaze was now peering down at the sea floor, not turning my head to look back just yet. "I feel like I've known you my entire life, I know when you'll laugh, cry or get angry just by your simple flickers in facial expression. That's why I knew that your feelings for Kaname were for me now instead, because you look at me in an even brighter way than you have ever looked at him." He exclaimed as he looked out to me still.

𝒜 𝓁𝓊𝓁𝓁 𝒾𝓃 𝓂𝓎 𝒽ℯ𝒶𝓇𝓉. - Tsumugu X F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now