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Waiting outside Manaka's house, we all decided to talk among ourselves while waiting for her to come out. "Well, this is a first, we've never had to have swimsuits before" smiling, Kaname brought the main topic to point. "Yeah, it's going to be pretty weird, I'm use to just wearing causal clothes while swimming" mumbling, I stared inside the bag I was carrying for my swimsuit. "I know and it's so annoying, they don't even have them at Saya Mart" Hikari started to complain.

"It would of been so easy to have Akari get one for me" sitting slouched over, Hikari grumbled to himself. "Well, the Saya Mart doesn't have everything" smiling apathetically, Kaname tried to lighten Hikari up. "What the heck, I mean, they've got indoor slippers and shorts, don't they?" sighing, Hikari wasn't affected by Kaname's attempts of cheering him up.

"So, relying on Akari again?" Floating down from Manaka's balcony, Chisaki looked over to Hikari while asking the question. "Why not? She's already there anyways" shrugging, Hikari replied with a short reply. Shaking my head, I grinned slightly "you know, you must be pretty bothersome for poor Akari. If I were her, I would have tried to disown you by now" folding my arms, I decided to tease him.

"Eh? What the heck, [Yn]! I'm not bothersome to Akari at all!" Being stubborn, he crossed his arms like I had. "You never change, do you, Hikari?" Chisaki held a sweet smile at him, causing me to deflate. Stop looking at Hikari with that smile and those eyes.. you're meant to look at Kaname like that. "[Yn]? Are you okay, I was about to ramble on about how Chisaki implied I was immature but you have a weird look on your face" eyes twitching in concern, Hikari poked my cheek.

"I'm just fine, just got lost in thought I guess" prying him off of me, I hid my thoughts up with a simple lie. "Sorry to keep you waiting!" Finally emerging from her room, Manaka floated down from her balcony. "Right, let's go" Hikari stood up then started to leave. "Ooh, I think todays going to be exciting!" Clapping my hands together, I followed close behind everyone else. "Whys that, [Yn]?" Amused, Kaname turned to face me.

"Two reasons!" Smiling, I held up two of my fingers while turning around to walk backwards so I could face Kaname, who was originally walking behind me. "Reason number one, we get to do races and I bet we're going to do really well!" Smiling widely, I put one of my fingers down, counting it off. "And, number two.. I get to experience something different.. something the surface people do" the last part was whispered under my breath, though, Kaname still heard.

Kaname's stare was cold, taking in my words that I hadn't thought would have been heard by anyone. "You're not starting to enjoy the surface too much, are you?" Though his tone was in a joking way, I knew his question was sincere, his facade wasn't going to fool me. "Guess you'll have to find out, only time will tell" repeating back in the same tone he had used, he had also know, that my words were sincere.


As one of the boys in our class pull his shirt off and over his head, some of the girls let out shrieks "you are such a pervert!" Yelling, one of the girls look at him with unamused eyes. "Yeah, well you are a peeping tom, just hurry up and go" he replied with an snicker. Looking our way, two girls walked past us "we're going to the changing room"

"Or did you plan on changing with the guys?" She left one farewell tease before leaving the classroom. Manaka, Chisaki and I exchanged a glance before standing up quickly, following after the girls. When we entered the changing rooms all the girls were chattering away about how they didn't want to wear bathing suits because it made them look chubbier.

"So, that's how we're supposed to do it? Those towels look pretty useful" Mumbling to herself, Manaka raised awareness to how the girls all had towels over them. "You don't have swimming class down in the sea village?" One of the girls who was standing next to us questioned with curiosity.

𝒜 𝓁𝓊𝓁𝓁 𝒾𝓃 𝓂𝓎 𝒽ℯ𝒶𝓇𝓉. - Tsumugu X F!ReaderUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum