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In a hurry, I brushed though my hair quickly. I hadn't even bothered to check if it was neat, putting the brush back down onto the table, i hoisted my bag over my shoulder. I was excited to see my friends, due to yesterday's incident, I just wanted them to know that I was okay. Running past the living room and towards the front door, my mum's calls rang out "[Yn]! Your breakfast!" Twisting the doorknob, I shouted out to her "no need! In a hurry today!"

Closing the door behind me, I bent down to pick up my shoes that I had left out yesterday. Trying to put my shoes on as I was walking, I had to hop on one foot while trying to get one shoe on the other foot. Finally managing to properly put them on, I ran down the path to where I was meant to meet the others. Seeing them up ahead, my eyes lit up "Over here! Morning!" Cheering out for them to hear, they all looked over to me.

"Morning, [Yn]" Chisaki nodded at my presence before looking back over to Kaname, who was chatting her ears off. Just like always, his cheeks were dusted with faint pink blush. Smile fading, I tried to think positively in this type of situation.  Hey, they didn't ask about if I were okay, but that's fine! Maybe they just figured that I would be okay, seeing as how I'm smiling right now in front of them, or maybe Hikari already told them!

Positive thoughts running through my head, my smile kept up like always. Let's see.. Manaka is running late again, so maybe I could talk to Hikari for a while until she's arrived. "Hikari! Good morning" waving, I headed towards him. Hikari, his hands in his pockets, nodded at me "good morning, looks like you're as cheerful as always." Shifting my feet, my facade dropped for a second before regaining itself.

"Yeah! I was really excited to see everyone today!" Clapping my hands together, my eyes traced over the other two before returning back to Hikari "looks like Manaka is late again." Hikari let out a sigh, deflating at the obvious "when isn't she late?" His expression then shifted, to one of seriousness. "Thanks for running after Manaka.. if you weren't there, that guy could have done something to her."

I was sure that if Tsumugu was going to do something to Manaka, he still would have done it while I was there. Even more, he would have just left me to dry up if he wanted to do something to Manaka. Not wanting to speak my thoughts to Hikari, I only nodded in return. Hearing shouts of our names, we all turned to face Manaka who was waving her arms around, running towards us in a hurry.

"Don't leave me behind again! I'm here now!" Huffing, she stopped in front of Hikari and I, trying to catch her breath. Smiling, I pulled her up and held both her hands in my own "good morning, Manaka! I'm glad that you seem better today" at my words, Manaka flew into my arms. "[Nn]! I'm glad that you look better as well!" Her cries filled my ears, all while I chuckled at her tactics.


Pulling myself up and out of the water, I decided to take the lead, to save myself from being a third wheel once again. Even while being further up ahead from the group, it didn't feel too different, considering that I always faltered behind the rest of the group. Rushing past me and flowing through my hair, the breeze left cold kisses on my skin, causing me to shiver.

Making my way to school, my hands reached behind to my bag so I could pull something out of it. Grabbing the object out, my palm clenched around it, as if shielding it from the rest of the world. Peering though the gaps of my fingers, the pink shell stuck out imminently, it's colour dull. I had found it on my way back home last night, when spotting it, it had reminded me of Tsumugu's eyes. A dull pink.


Pulling the door of the classroom open, I entered while looking around. Spotting the person who I was looking for, I started heading over towards his desk. Now standing in front of him, I carefully placed the shell down. Obviously catching his attention, his gaze shifted from where he was looking, over towards me and then the shell. Smiling, I turned around to leave to my own desk.

𝒜 𝓁𝓊𝓁𝓁 𝒾𝓃 𝓂𝓎 𝒽ℯ𝒶𝓇𝓉. - Tsumugu X F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now