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Pressing my eyes shut tightly, I inhaled in before swimming down further into the depths of the sea. The muffles of the ocean water were just like a sweet lullaby playing in my ears, the type of lullaby that made you fall deeper and deeper into the darkness of your own peace. Fluttering my eyes open, I readjusted to the lighting.

It has been so many years since I had actually been in the sea, being in the sea now after so long has brought its own wave of mixed feelings with it. Apart of me felt like I was finally home again, but there was another part of me that felt as if this was all wrong. After being on the surface for so long, it felt wrong to be in the sea.

My lips quivered as I glanced around in every direction. My nerves struck up suddenly when the past thoughts of the occurrences that happened in this very sea came flooding back to my memory. When everyone had fallen into the sea and were forced into hibernation. I couldn't get it out of my head, it's the only thing I can think of.

"[Yn]?" A voice of concern had sounded from right in front of me, calling my name. My expression went blank as I looked ahead of me, right at the boy who looked back with soft, worried eyes. Kaname. "Sorry, you were trailing behind" rubbing the back of his neck with his hand, he focused on me intently as I swam up next to him.

"Are you uncomfortable with being in the sea, because of what happened?" His words spilled out like honey. As clear as they were to hear, I had blocked out most of what he had actually said without realising. Dazed, I lifted an eyebrow in confusion from what he had just asked me. "You just seem really out of it." He explained lightly.

Leaving me to process his words, he had already swum off to catch up with both Hikari and Miuna who trailed further up ahead. Pausing, I just waited there as I considered what he had just told me. Kaname was right, I was really out of it. Not just now, but ever since I had found out about Hikari waking up, what was I scared of?


"Are you sure you're going to be okay?" Hikari side glanced Miuna as he asked the question. "Mmh, I feel totally fine" Miuna was quick to protest against his concern, her voice filled with a slightly sour tone as she spoke. Honestly, I couldn't blame her for it either, Hikari hasn't stopped asking if she's doing fine every few seconds ever since we got down here.

As we continued to swim up ahead, we had finally come to a stop. Stepping onto a stone bridge that rotted away with bits and pieces of it falling off, I gasped to myself when I came to the recognition of the bridge. It's the very same bridge that we use to leave off of every morning to get to the surface for school.

That had meant just one thing. Lifting my head up straight, I focused my attention to the thick and cloudy border that rested up ahead. Behind that was the very thing we came looking for, the sea village. It was almost like it was being hidden away by this protective like layer, somewhat like how Ena was our protective layer.

Miuna was quick to kick off the ground, her expression was one of concentration as she forced herself to swim towards where the sea village would have been if not for the border. "Eh? H..Hey!" Not liking the idea of what she was doing, Hikari had reached out to grab her before she could get any closer to it.

"Well, we should follow her instead of just standing here" Folding my arms across my chest, I spoke up the obvious before kicking off the bridge and swimming off after Miuna who was already almost face to face with the border. Hikari and Kaname let out small gasps, realising that they were lagging behind.

"Hey, don't rush off, guys!" Hikari was quick to call out to us as he trailed behind. "Guys, look up there" gesturing his hand over to in front of us, Kaname pushed his lips together tightly. The protective layer that laid around the sea village had started to blur, I had thought it was just me until the layer had gone from slightly see-through to impossible to see through.

𝒜 𝓁𝓊𝓁𝓁 𝒾𝓃 𝓂𝓎 𝒽ℯ𝒶𝓇𝓉. - Tsumugu X F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now